Sleepy Izuku

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Kota POV

Ground Zero walked with Izuku in his arms while I was stuck carrying all of our stuff. Usually at seven there's be a crowd through main street where many were getting off work. Since Ground Zero is a hero though everyone knew about his horrible personality, plus anyone who came too close he was already yaping about how everyone was staring at him like he was a villain and threatening to blow up any 'extras'. Geez, how can he be a hero? I think the world wonders that sometimes.

I growled as I led him to the apartment. If it wasn't for Izuku I'd cream his ass already. I don't know what Izuku ever saw in him. He's always been too lenient when it comes to people. Honestly he's always been a doormat and it's scary to think that he might put himself into a situation he doesn't want to be in. Just like yesterday. Me and Bakugo didn't speak to each other, both of us tense since we'd rather kill each other than be going anywhere near each other.

The normally short walk became a long dragging one, by the time we got home it was really chilly as the moon had come out. I quickly opened the door not wanting Izuku's fever to get any worse than it already is. Ground Zero practically barged in kicking me out of the way too. His death glare never leaving my back. I glared at him too. I'm not scared of some jerk wearing spandex. We both toed off our shoes as he asked gruffly, "Where's his room?" I scowled as I walked to his room. No way am I leaving Izuku with him anyways I have to clean up his stuff. Ground Zero stayed behind, Izuku's soft snores taking over the room. I plucked off the clothes that once littered his bed and pulled back the blankets. Ground Zero placed Izuku onto the bed, then he brushed Izuku's hair. He touched his dirty frikin always sweaty hands on my Izuku, it took all The cool I could muster to stay quiet as I threw all the clothes in Izuku's laundry bin.

"Oi, you go get some medicine for Izuku!" I can;t take much more of him. He glared at me and before he could yell I pressed a finger to my lips and shushed him. He seemed to have understood as he pulled me by the collar throwing me out of the room. "Little piece of sh*t, why should I go?" He growled raising his fist. I pushed him then kicked him into the wall to return the favor. "I am going to make dinner. A sick person needs soup and hot foods right? So you keep quiet and get him medicine. Make sure it's children's I don't think he needs anything too strong. Get some ice pads and something sweet to drink too." I say Ground Zero glared at me before he threw his fist against the wall creating a hole in it. I could only glare. How annoying. I really hope I can beat him already.

With that he went out to get the medicine and other things, I as I diligently started dinner. I could only make simple dishes but what we had in the fridge I saw some frozen chicken thus I decided to make a simple chicken soup and bread with it. I took out my phone to text Kira, she should know what happened. After I texted her the whole situation I pocketed my phone. The soup boiled, I heard the door open. It was Ground Zero grumbling with two bags in his hands. "Oi, you dumb piece of garbage. I bet you've ruined the food!" He yelled throwing the bags onto the table."

I was so fed up with this jerkwad. "Shut up! You dumbass!"

"What'd you say? Ya wanna fight again? This time I'll be sure to beat your sorry a-"

"Kacc-chan? Why are you here? K-kota? What's going on?" Izuku had awoken and he was heavily leaning on the door frame. He was disheveled, already messy curly hair was sticking out all over. Tears streaked his face, eyes still swollen and he's shaking. My heart plummeted as I ran to my crush. "Izuku? What's wrong? Does your arm hurt that much? Do we need to go to the hospital? Izuku?" I asked a bit frantically. Izuku's shaky legs could no longer support him as he fell to my arms. "Everyone is leaving me again. My friends, All Might, mom, you..."

Izuku curled into himself breathing heavily as he tried to stop his tears. I looked behind me to see Kastuki stare awkwardly. As if he didn't understand what's going on. Izuku has had nightmares before but never this bad since All Might was hospitalized. It was normal due to his age though it was a huge toll on Midoryia's mind. He felt more at ease when his mother was the one to take care of him. All Might was his hero and like a father to him.

Izuku always smiled even when in pain, but he could only do so much before he broke down. And I finally saw him break down for real. "It's okay, Izuku. Ground Zero came because he helped bring you home. Remember? You saved me and him from getting hurt!" I tried to comfort him. I rubbed circles in Izuku's back as he let some tears out, clearing trying not to cry in front of me and Ground Zero. "Hey Izuku?" I asked after he seemed to calm down a bit. He hummed in response, gripping my shirt as if to ground himself.

"I made dinner, you have to eat it because Ground Zero brought medicine." I said softly waiting for the nod from Izuku. Izuku eyes where a bit clouded as he was clearing thinking what his options were. He hummed again as a yes, before he could struggle to get up though I stood up and grabbed him into my arms thus he'd have to hook his legs around my waist and hold my neck. Izuku did a little tightly clearly surprised as he yelped a bit. I turned to go down the stairs to meet the hot glare form the hero, I grinned wickedly. Take that jerk! I walked him down to the sofa and gave him the remote too.

Ground Zero was trying to kill me with his stare, thus I did the same though I have to run too collect the soup, allowing him to sit next too Izuku.

Katuski POV

How come Deku likes him so much? Not to mention that why is he so open with him? I want to kill that brat so bad. He looked so small bundled up in a comforter that was on the side of the couch for some reason. He was invested in some cartoons on TV. though he looked exhausted with his halflidded swollen eyes. He seemed uncomfortable that I was here. I rubbed my bare arms. I felt a little cold and I don't have any clothes to change into. I can't go through, that brat will amke sure I can't come back as I can't get Deku too mad. I wonder what he was dreaming of to upset him that much. I looked to also see his banaged arm. His baby face clearly showing his fatigue. He's so innocent, I bet he still is scared easily. His hair is still a mess.

I suddenly felt a blanket ontop of me. I look to see Izuku had willingly given up his blanket for me. Seriously no wonder this guy is such a good hero. Though he was shaking in his corner of the sofa. I felt a small smile form on my face, pulling him into my lap as his eyes start to close. He seemed not to be aware of his surrounding as I dragged him onto my lap and covered the blanket over our bodies. He's was freezing yet sweating. The fever must be bad. I pulled him closer and let him sleep on my chest. He was trying to stay awake and failing miserably. Honestly how did I ever do something harsh to this guy. I wish I could kick myself in the ass for ever hurting him. I just didn't want to fight him over being a hero nor, put him in danger. Being quirkless is a big issue for someone wanting to be a hero. Someone could easily kill or hurt him, not that I was doing a better job at it anyway.

"Kacchan... don't... scary..." Deku muttered as he fell back to sleep. I hugged him closer to me. I'm sorry Dek-no Izuku. I promise that I'll be nicer now. I promise. I let Izuku's breathing start to even out as the television kept playing some cartoons that could never be as interesting as him. 

"Hey dinner is ready!" the brat yelled coming into the living room with fire in his eyes. I growled back not wanting him to take what's mine. I truly hate this brat. We must've been to loud as Izuku woke up and rubbed his big swollen eyes. "Hi Kacchan, hey Kota." He had gotten off my lap completely oblivious what was going on as he walked out into the kitchen. I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking at the bare skin that revealed under his ripped clothes and that I wanted to feel his soft skin again. I really want him to be mine. 

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