Playful Conversation

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Kota Pov

I opened the door into our house using the hand under Izuku's thigh, thanking All Might he's gone. I'll never let him near Izuku again. After time he hurt my Izuku! He had his chance since they were like four! Now it's my turn. Coming into the house, not even caring to take off my shoes. Izuku was sleeping soundly his head resting on my house, his chest rising and falling slowly, his dress was dirtied with he Stockings a bit bloodied and torn from him falling. The back of his foot was blistered and bleeding. My poor Izuku looked more emotionally drained. He probably bottled up his emotions, he's very expressive so it must've taken a large toll on him physically too.

Walking upstairs into his room, I kicked his door open. I'd use my water powers but I don;t think I can focus with Izuku in my arms like this. Gently I put Izuku on his All Might themed bed. No matter what he was always an All might fanboy, just another cue side of him. All Might was like a father figure to him or at least what Izuku told me. He's never told me much about his family ;ife at most it was about his mother.

On the bed, he looked like a bruised angel. His green locks were in need of a cut but his hairless face and legs were seductive. The mini skirted dress didn't help me either. If he wasn't unconscious I would've kissed him on the spot. I slapped any idea of tough him out of my head. If All Might was like his dad he'd probably kill me if I touched him without consent. I walked out with my chin high. I need to go to bed. Just take off your shoes then- oh right I never took off Izuku's shoes. I toe off my own shoes and ran upstairs to get Izuku's too.

I slipped into the room undetected. I unzipped the heels and slipped the shoe off. A sharp his came out of Izuku's part followed by a whimper. Oh wow his feet were swollen. Should he stay home from work? Pain twists the poor man's face, as a tear or two escapes. I frown but go to take the other one off, Izuku in return curled into a ball ears spilling in tiny streams. He looked half awake not yet, understanding where he was. "K-Kacchan why..." Izuku started to tremble worse than his voice. My blood burned in rage.

Forgetting about everything I threw off the heel, and jumped onto the bed to give him a hug rubbing circles on his back with my thumb. I felt my shoulder become warm and wet, as Izuku half awake unaware of his surroundings trembles. After a few moments I hear his almost inaudible mumbling. "Kacchan will beat me and leave me. I love him like a friend and we could've been best friends. I still want to be friends. He thinks I'm a perverted weirdo, as does Kota. Now all my other friends and students will think of me as a perv. I wanted to help my m-mom. Im-miss Kacchan please don't hurt me... I still want to be Kota's senpai... dont leave like...father."

Shushing him, I pull him closer onto my lap. Sobs shook throughout his body as he curled closer into a ball, crying himself back to sleep. Flares burned in my stomach and eyes. I will never let anyone hurt Izuku again, or give him up to anyone. He deserves a man who can hold him, a man who will spoil him, a man who understands his needs, a man like me.

Izuku POV

I am all alone and cold. I'm two years old again with my dad slamming the door behind him he just fought with my mom again. I turn four right before I met Kacchan he slams the door for the last time heading to America, never to return. Only giving us enough money to get by with a normal lifestyle. Now I'm five and Kacchan is beating me up because I;m apart of the quirkless minority. My mom is crying, I am crying. I am weak. At thirteen I'm bullied everyday. I can't do anything because I am weak... I am quirkless... I am USELESS. Deku a name I love yet resent to this day. Kacchan tells me to go kill myself. Maybe I should've I almost did. I get a quirk and now I work really hard. It's never enough. I'm scared I'll fail and the world will tumble on me again. Everyone will leave, except for my mom who isn't tired of me yet. Uruaka left me to. I cried but smile every time I see her happy with Iida. Everyone steals bits of my heart but, only my mom will ever truly return my heart. Sometimes All might too, the closest thing I have to a father. My friends return my heart a bit like Shoto in his own way, my other friends but, as close as we are it isn't the same. They are walking their own paths away from me. I'm all alone with the bullies and demons. Please don't hurt me! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!!

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