Bed Time

557 21 11

Kota POV

I grabbed what I needed after cleaning everything he dropped onto the floor. You can't support Izuku. I have money and a job. Not to mention I have experience in all departments... That pervert! Of course he has more money and a job, he's older than me by like 6 years. I may be in high school but that doesn't mean i'll go far. Not only am I in the hero because I spend a lot of time studying about dentistry and science. It's a really interesting topic for me but if I become a dentist I could support Izuku with whatever he wants whenever he wanted. I could take him out to a fancy restaurant or go around the world with his mother. Not to mention I could probably get into All Might's books of approval. He may not look it but he's overly protective of Izuku as if he were his own baby boy. His co-workers at the cafe seem to care about him too.

But that still didn't change the fact that Ground Zero is older so he does have a job, he has proven to be strong enough to protect Izuku. Plus he probably has way more connections than me too. Izuku has known him longer to so he could understand Izuku's past more. Does Izuku even see him as a man? Can he ever truly support Izuku or will he be a burden to him? Does he truly even know Izuku that well? No, that perverted bastard may be great in all departments including the junk in his pants but that doesn't mean he's better than him. I'm still just growing. I need a little time to become a hero and dentist. Hell, I'll do better than that. I'll buy Izuku a mansion and expand his mother's business. I'll make it I'll be his rock when the tides get rough. I will be the guy he runs to when I come home from work. If we ever adopt kids I'll support them and him. I want to tell him I love you's and sweet nothings in his ears.

With a new determination I stride to his room. I have to make sure he's not being touched by that ba-. Why is he standing outside of Izuku's room. His hand was covering his lower face. Why hadn't he gone in yet? Why is he holding his face like that?

The realization hit me like a train. Izuku was changing right now, and the bastard has a bloody nose. He saw Izuku naked. He saw my Izuku naked. It was like the world shattered. Even though I've never really seen Izuku naked. He doesn't ever wear anything that shows too much excess skin even his hero costume doesn't show off anything. I lunged towards the blonde kicking his in the face, careful not to get any spit or blood on the sheets. He wasn't expecting it so he got thrown onto the floor. "You saw him didn't you?! You f*king bastard! Didn't anyone teach you how to knock or it's rude to look at people! Huh, if I didn't have this stuff in my hands I would throttle you! Peeping tom, I honestly thought you had a bit more decency than this. People like you should be killed like that purple midget all those years ago."

"Hey! You piece of shit. Don't go comparing me to that perverted piece of human waste. Honestly it's a miracle he even made it into the course. Never compare me to trash like him again. Plus it's a preview for the future anyway." he yelled throwing a good push at my face also sending me back. The collision was unexpected do of course I was thrown back. Anger rolled around my stomach like a bot rock. "F$#K YOU! CAN'T YOU SEE IT ALREADY! YOU SCARE IZUKU! YOU'RE A SCAR OF HIS PAST! LEave him alone." I calmed myself down, My cheek was stinging at the force of his punch. I spit a little blood to the side. He was glaring at me ready to blast me away. I conjured up some water, without my hands though it's weaker than usual.


Both of us dropped our angry expressions to horrified ones. Izuku had come our wearing baggy pants, a green hoodie he didn't bother to sip up so we saw his white shirt. He was hiding behind his door so we could only see part of his body but it was enough. "Wh-what are you doing?" he asked in a watery voice. His eyes were glassy the hand at the door was shaking a bit. Shoot, he had just woken up from a nightmare, the last thing he needed was us fighting. Gotta think of an excuse fast.

I want you!(Kotadeku)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ