Work is hard

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Izuku POV

Mom wanted to start her own business after I started to bring a substantial income from my work as a hero and teacher, too bring a steady income I can take over when I decide to quit being a hero. I wasn't against it and I let my mom have fun, me supplying the money and some labor. Mom had the grand idea of making the employees to wear butler and maid costumes. Thus many of the employees are very handsome and beautiful. It caused the cafe to be a hit, especially famous for the desserts and eye candy.

We try to have an even amount of maids and butlers working at all times, but today we were in sort of a pickle. No female staff showed up... Thus my mother's solution was to ambush me then dress me up in a maid costume as I was deemed feminine enough. Honestly, the things I do for her. I never really even served as a waiter before, I usually either cook or even clean as a janitor.

All three laughed at first at the sight of me but quickly moved on though taking any moment to tease him. Now he was having a stare off with Kota. Why does the world hate me so? I stare down at my heels. I felt my cheeks heat up as I passed the rest of the menus breaking eye contact from Kota. I don't want him recognizing me. I don't think I could face him if he realized it was me in a maid outfit. Oh goodness, he even lives with me! What will he tell the others?! Their senpai is a perverted cross-dresser. I wouldn't be able to show my face! I rushed off to another table with the weight of Kota's eyes on my back.

I felt a few men's eyes on me as I walked. Usually the girls might get cat called but our staff had made it clear that we do not tolerate men touching our girls or boys. As I ran across the cafe too give someone their coffee I tripped over my stupid heel falling flat on my face. luckily the coffee, teapot and teacups were saved but my nose hurts. Ugh this stinks.

"Are you okay, my dear?" Yuu-kun asked. He handed out his hand to me. I gratefully took it. He nods as he picks me up to my feet making sure I was steady. Although the heels are like 4 or 5 inches but they are so hard to walk in. I'm only 5'6'' sadly due to my mom's side being so short. At least I tend to be taller than many girls still and my students yet, everyone became giants.

I heard Hijiro-kun cackling. I hate this kid.He also came up to me plater in his hand. "Man you need to work on your catwalk! It seems your not used to your heels. Come on do I have to carry you?" He joked. He's such a jerk!!! I felt some tears arose in my eyes as my nose was hurting and I was embarrassed but I couldn't wipe my tears because I had a tray in my hand. It;s not like I wanted to be in a maid outfit! It's not my fault my mom wants this I bet most of the customers are disgusted and can even tell Im male after looking at me closely. The boys didn't recognize me until my mom pointed it out but they laughed. I dodn;t think about it then but, thisn't fair. People are even recording and taking pictures on their phone! Why me? What did I do to the universe to deserve this?

Yuu-kun took the tray from my hand after punching the redhead on the shoulder. Hijiro-kun growled an ouch but wrapped his arm around my waist directing me towards the table I was supposed to serve. He quickly wiped my tears away, making me blush. There were three guys and two girls. Yuu-kun went behind the ladies and served their tea in his mysterious way.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen sorry for the wait. We will be your servants. You may call me Vampir, while the other man is Scarhound. The beautiful lady is Emerald. As you can tell she is still young and in training but she's trying her best. Now aren't you Emerald?" He asked.

I quickly nodded, a bright red blush on my face. I guess my stage name is Emerald. The girls melted as the boys flirted with them. Asking if they needed anything. So I shyly asked the man trying to regain my shattered dignity. Using the empty platter Hirijo-kun had I hid my face behind it, and pulled the sleeve of the man closest to me. He and his buddies gave me their full attention making me blush harder. Umm.. what do I say? This was easier with Kota, before I embarrassed myself, with someone I knew and distracted by kids!

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