Fight for what's mine(part 1)

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Izuku POV

"Come in guys! Since the boys are coming home soon , it's been so long since I had you over." Izuku invited his co-workers, Vampir and Yuu into the house. Ken and the girls were too busy to come over. Not that it mattered he was bored but at least feeling better the medicine they gave me works wonders. "Yuu and Vampir feel free to do some of your studies while I get dinner ready. If you don't want to do that then you can do whatever. My home is yours." The boys thanked him and started to watch some television while doing their homework. Yuu-kun came a lot to my house when he was starting to work since he didn't really have an apartment to go too. He was only here though when Kota was at school.

Vampir had come over twice, but only because I made him during a stormy day. That's when the door opened and I saw Kota come, guess school's over behind him. "I'm home. What smells go- '' Kota stopped when he saw we had guests. "Welcome back Kota, I made dinner which will be completely ready in an hour. How was classes?"

"It was good." He said curtly. He could at least acknowledge our guests. "Kota, this is Vampir and Yuu-kun. You know the one who got me those plates. I was hoping you'd entertain them while I finish up dinner." I looked up at Kota making sure he understood. He nodded and plunked down on the love seat starting his homework. I smile and hope and later we all can apologize. It wasn't even 10 minutes when I heard the door open once again. "Oi, Deku I'm back fro-Who the hell are you?" Kacchan is always going to be Kacchan I murmur. "Welcome back, Kacchan, this is Yuu-kun and Vampir-kun. Now why don't you sit down and watch TV with them." I insist. Kacchan's eyes grew wide before he tsked and sat down on the couch kicking his feet up. Well it'll have to do for now. I scurried back into the kitchen and prayed they behave.

Kota POV

I flew through my math and hero homework. I had a bit of trouble with the essay but I needed to make Izuku happy. At least he looks better. He slept a full 24 hours, me and that zero had cleaned up the kitchen and then went on with our lives. Checking up on Izuku once in a while. We tried fixing the plates the best we could, fun fact ground zero hates puzzles. He was good at finding out how to glaze over cracks and painting. We were going to apologize but due to these losers coming now it has to be pushed. I especially hated the one with ears. It's clear to see he was attached to my love but I don't think he;s the type to make a move. Though look at me, I'm not one to rush into things, until that idiot came by.

We all worked on our things as Bakugo also was working on some paperwork I guess. Honestly Izuku can tame beasts if given the chance. "Boys! Time for dinner." Dang, it's already 7 as I looked up at the clock. The television was now playing some sport that Vampir seemed excited about. I'm still on the fence with him. We all filed into the dining room as we sat, I was able to snag a spot next to the head of the table with Izuku as did Yuu. Me and Bakugo are as far as possible as we could be knowing we didn't want to deal with each other.

"Okay boys, make sure to ask for seconds. And I mean you Yuu-kun! Honestly you need to eat more regularly, are you only eating at work when we force you?" This Yuu, ears drop and puffs out his cheek like a toddler? Wait isn't he the one to give Izuku the plates. Oh, I guess he wants me to apologize, which honestly I wish I didn't have to. Yeah I feel bad but not that bad. I started to eat, Vampir starting a conversation. "Hey, so you're Kota right? What's school like?"

"Yeah, It's good." I say curtly. I don't really talk in general other than Kira and Izuku. Vampir pressed on though, what a soldier, "That's good. Izuku must be a great teacher. Is your girlfriend in your class too?'' I put down my spoon and stared at him. "Kira is my best friend and no more than that. She has someone she likes anyway."

"Is it you?" This annoying piece of... "No, I have someone I like anyway." I spit out, picking up my utensil and eating again. Then I realized what I said, me and my big mouth. Shoot.

"Really? Can I know who it is?" Izuku asked. You. "I'd rather not say? Why is everyone picking on me? Do you have someone you're interested in?" I asked the redhead. "Not in particular. I've dated." Vampir shrugs. Well that's an answer.

"Oi don't go talking to your one liners at the table. It's disgusting."Bakugo shouts angrily eating. "Well don't go to crazy okay Vampir. Anyways, I saw you reading another novel today! What was it about?" Izuku asked. "Actually Yuu gave it to me it's about war. He found it at the library and he thought I'd like it." Yuu-San the quiet dog. I don't like him but he's not in my bad books yet.

Then the phone rang from the kitchen. Izuku rushed to get it. As soon as he was out of earshot was when Yuu-san spoke up. "I don't like you two. You like Midoriya."

Me and Bakugo dropped our utensils, gaping at the man. Vampir didn't seem surprised, "I guess that means he's right." His chilled features shadowing his face ominously. He looked like a demon.

"Yeah?! Got a problem? If you want him I'll beat all of you-"

"He's nice and gullible." Interrupted the dog cat thing. "He would let anyone take advantage of him. He doesn't need too date an asshole." Yuu-San glared at us his eyes looked those of a demon as he showed his claws and fangs .

"He helps us whenever he sees we need it and I care about him a lot. Me and Yuu decided too protect him no matter what. We don't approve of either of you dating him. He needs someone who can help him after he broke up with that floaty hero he was so devastated. He still helped but he looked like death barely eating, sleeping or smiling. He cried on our shoulders so, I will kill anyone who breaks his heart" his voice became demonic as if he were the devil himself eyes flashing red and his teeth growing into fangs.

I need to get these guys approval, whatever it's be better for me if they can help. "I don't want to hurt Izuku. I can protect him in battle and I've been working on getting a medical degree soon so I can heal his industry. I love him and kill anyone who hurt him." I assert. I'd die just so Izuku could smile.

"Hey! I'm better at protecting him than this pipsqueak! He can't even pay the bills! All he feels is puppy love as Izuku pities you! I've known him since we were kids" he yelled.

"Who cares?! You're just gonna leave him as soon as you see fit! You still scare him! I need too protect him from you! If you love him why don't you prove it?!" I raise my voice. I can't lose Izuku too him. I refuse

"FINE! WE WILL FIGHT FOR HIM ME VERSUS YOJ TOMORROW SCHOOL TRAINING GROUND WHO WINS GETS DEKU!" he yelled. We were both at our wits end. I knew there was no other way to resolve this.

"Hey Izuku isn't something you can just win! I could kill you both now for even just saying that '' hissed the cat. Vampir jumped from his seat ready to lunge. We all followed suit, he'll walk about to break loose in the kitchen when

"Guys?" We all looked up to see the green haired man standing by the doorway with a confused expression on his face. "What's going on?" He looked at the four all which were standing quirks ready to start Worl War III. Vampir smiled at Izuku as if nothing happened. "We all got angry over the game. There is no way that porcupine is better than me at Grand Auto Theft!"

Bakugo growled, "I'm better than you at anything blood digger!" I don't know whether that was the idiot being himself or following Vampir but Yuu-San and I quickly caught his drift. "No one cares about you're stupid game! I am not letting you play that villain game on my console! Plus I heard you kill civilians and heroes in that game." Yuu silently growled as if he'd stop us if we went too far. These guys I hate but are smart.

"All this over a game! Honestly I expected more out of you guys! Can't leave you for a second, can I? Honestly at least you guys are talking." Izuku grumbled sitting in his seat once more. "Shouto called asking if I was okay and about lesson plans. I said I'd go in as soon as possible. I just needed a day or 2 off after getting a fever." Izuku explained munching on his dinner. The rest of us followed suit already knowing that soon we'd fight for Izuku.

I couldn't wait to crush them and make Izuku mine and mine alone to pursue. 

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