Petty Fights

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Kota POV

I drew up my arms as Bakugo initiated the fight, blasting explosions my way. I focused in front of me to create a barrier of water preventing myself from burns. Digging my boots into the ground I was only pushed back . If I was either clueless or not as strong as I was I'd have been blasted to another town. A really good thing about Midoryia is he has a lot of notes accessible to me about heroes and villains.

My lips curled up as I pulled away my barrier creating to make feet holders midair, I could jump up to six feet at a time as I ran across the battlefield of students, Bakugo and his famous scowl needed a couple of seconds to rev up his blasts, precious seconds I used to distance myself from him. Bakugo had better leverage if I was up close to him but, I had a major advantage of I was distant from him. I can't let my guard down though, he's much more brilliant than he lets on.

Bakugo flew in the air behind me, by the looks of it around 30 to 40 feet per blasts. A smile asking for blood on his face, I must've looked the same way because I am not losing this match. Bakugo tried blasting an explosion at me but I was too fast and back flipped behind him. He's fast, I thought I'd have more time to counterattack.

No mind. I just have to be more offensive. I focused on my feet and imagined spears made of water. No one knows how much water can hurt till they are slapped in the face with it. The danger though of going offensive is that I need to split my focus. Luckily, Izuku has taught me a lot about focus with his constant practices no matter how small or large helps. Charging for the blond's back I threw my water spears at him. The pressure I put into the water hardens it so much it acts much like a blade if shaped right.

Bakugo though dodge the spears jumping over my head. "Think you can beat me shitty brat! HA! You aren't even good enough to beat me when I was ten!" He shouted as he aimed pulling his fist out, ready to connect with my face. I growled, how dare he look down on me! He's only trying to make me feel like I was too childish for Izuku. At least I can talk to him without scaring him! As I jump back I retort, "Oh yeah?! At least he talks to me! Just this morning he hugged me and smiled at me! When's the last time he even wanted to look your way?"

Bakugo growled, I could only imagine punching him so my base disappeared thus I was falling down. My cape flapping in front of me, and an angry Bakugou diving pulling his arm back ready to punch me so I'd be a stain in the field. Not that I care, he may be stronger but there is no way I'm gonna lose my Izuku to some jerk who will never care for him! The only thought running through my mind was hurting Bakugou, forget hurting murdering him! He will never touch my Izuku while I'm still alive!

I pulled my hand back matching his pose ready to punch him not only with my physical strength but a full blast of hardened water! This was a fight for territory, both of us fighting seriously for what's rightfully is ours. Whoever loses will lose it all. They will lose their love. This is the fight of a male predator for it's pack.

"ENOUGH!" Before either of us could land our punches, someone grabbed me and Bakugou Almost choking me and Bakugo-san, I deactivated my quirk in the confusion. Pulling us back down to the battlefield both of us landed on our butts. Akugo rubbed his head while I rubbed my neck where we've been pulled by.

"What did I just see?" Me and Bakugo snapped our heads up to see a very angry Izuku. No not just angry, completely pissed. Izuku tapped his foot, arms crossed, brows furrowed and twitching. The anger was clearly burning through his eyes. Me nor Bakugou senpai dared to look at Izuku in the eye much less answer him. Maybe we went a bit too far... It's a rare sight for Izuku to get riled up, but when he does he's a bit frightening. Everyone tactfully stayed away including Todoroki-senpai.

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