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I woke up 5 minutes ago and I was very happy! I went to the new school. My mom drove me to school, when I walked to the hall I saw so many people. I stood by my new locker. Someone stood by me


I looked up and saw a boy tall as me with brown hair and brown eyes I think.

„Do you need something?"

„You are the new boy right?"

„Yeah my name is-"

„I don't care what is your name, me and that boy,"

point on a tall boy with blond hair and green eyes maybe I don't really know.

„are the leaders and you are new so we prepare you to this school"

He grabbed my backpack and threw it on the floor, then they left and I went to class. At lunch I sat at a lonely table.

„Hey can i sit here?''

asked someone. I looked up, it was another boy with brown hair and dark eyes. I think that was brown, he was smaller than me and he looked nice.

„Yeah yeah come on"

I said and he sat next to me

„My name is Alexis but you can call me Quackity"

„Nice to meet you, Quackity! My name is George."

I smiled when I saw his smile. At the end of school I waited for Quackity. I bumped into someone.

„I am sorry!"

that person grabbed my wrist

„Hey loser, are you blind?"

„Um I am colorbli-"

„shut up"

he wanted punch me



he left with an angry stare. Quackity stood next to me, we went to my house. I started streaming and introduced him as my best friend to chat. Few hours after playing minecraft I ended the stream

„Bye chat!"

I happily smiled and waved. Quackity went home and I went to sleep.

Bully or LoverWhere stories live. Discover now