25. bonus part

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Me and Dream were together for 4 years. Today is our day. Our 4th anniversary. I came home from work.

„I'm home!"

Nobody responded. Weird. I went to the living room and kitchen.


Nothing. I went to our room. When I was on the stairs I saw flowers on the floor. I went next to them into our room. I saw Dream standing in the middle of the room. I looked at him.

„Hi honey! Why are you here?"

„Babe, I wanna ask you something.."

„Go on"

He kneel down.

„Gogy, please, will you be father with me to our kid?"


„yeah I'll love to"

„Of course!"

I hugged him. The next morning we went to an orphanage. (Technoblade..o7). The principal of the orphanage went with us to a room with kids. I looked at them. I just wanted to have one boy when I noticed a little girl playing alone. I went to her.

„Hello princess, why are you playing alone?"

„They don't want to play with me..they are telling me that I'm different and ugly"

„Why would they do that?"

She looked at me.

„Because of my eyes."

Her eyes had different colours. one blue and second green.

„Actually it's very pretty you know? You are the one of them with pretty eyes like this. I love them"

She smiled at me.

„I like yours"

„What's your name princess?"


„Beautiful name, I'm George"

I smiled and went to Dream.

„I want that one"

He nodded. We went to the principal and wrote some agreements. Then I went after Sarah.



„Can I be your new dad?"

„Wait..are you serious?"

„I am"

She jumped at me and hugged me.


she shouted and everyone looked at us. I laughed.

„Let's go"

We went after Dream. She looked at her.

„Hello, are you my second dad?"

„I am hun"

He smiled and hugged us. Now we are three, not one, not two, not three- we have three members in this happy family.

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