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Clay gave me a kiss on the lips.

„George, you are my happiness. I really really love you, I can't imagine the future without you, so this is my question..George my beloved, will you marry me?"

When he said that I started crying. Finally he asked!


I kissed him and hugged him. We will be family. I gave him a kiss on the lips and he put his hand on my cheek and second hand under my t-shirt. But that was not Clay. That was that guy.

I woke up and was breathing hard. That was my dream life and nightmare in one dream. I sighed and looked at the clock. 6am. I stood up and went to the shower. I washed myself and then went dressed up. I met Clay, Nick, Alex and Karl in the park. We went together to school. We met Allison before school.

„Hello! How are you, future dad"

„Stop calling me like that, it's not mine"

„It is, his name is Chris"

„It's him?"

I asked and she nodded.

„Clay, I just wanna said, if you don't keep it with me I just leave him"

„Ok, leave him."

„Clay what?"

I asked, he grabbed my hand and went to the school.

„Don't worry"

„Mhm okay"

He was still holding my hand. Everyone was looking at us so I pulled away my hand.

„What are you doing?"

„Everyone is looking"

„And? You are my boyfriend"

„What did you just say?"

He never told that, Never.

„Um..sorry, I didn't mean it like that eh"

„No, no, it's fine!"

I smiled and hugged him. We went to class and sat together. Poor Alex, I left him. He threw paper on me. Again? Really? You just replaced me:( So, how? He fucked you? :D -your big Q
I looked at him with a stare. I read that sentence again. He fucked you? I blushed. He is so stupid. I wrote on paper. I didn't. Nope he doesn't. You can :DDD. I laughed and threw paper on him. When he read that he started laughing. He winked at me and when I turned back I saw Clay's stare at him. I giggled.

„Clay, stop staring at him"

„but he winked at you"

„he is my best friend"

He sighed and turned to the other side. I laughed.

„You are such a kid"

He growled and I continued laughing harder.

„Davidson, come sit there"

Teacher points at the chair next to Allison. Oh no. I stood up and went to her. Clay smirked at me. That motherfucker. The paper landed in front of me.
That's so cute Gogy! Now you sit with your best friend right?
I smiled.
How did you know Big daddy :D.
I looked at Clay. He looked at me. I smiled and threw paper on Alex. Then I took another paper and wrote for Clay.
Hey, stop looking angry at me :*
I threw it to his head and he looked at me. I smiled. I turned back and Allison was looking at me.

„Hey! Why are y'all looking at me like that?!"

I sighed and she grabbed my hand. I looked at her and she smiled.


„Can you help me please? My stomach hurts"

I gasped. What if is something bad? Well, it's not mine, it's not Clay's, but it's kid! I stood up quickly.

„Come on Allison"


I went to the teacher and said what happened and then we went from class.

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