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I woke up in the morning and wanted to stand up. I couldn't. I sighed and looked at Clay. He was sleeping. His blonde hair was in his eyes. I smiled and kissed him. He smiled.

„Morning hun"

„Oh! You are awake?! Morning babe!"

I laughed.



„I love you and I want to be with you for the rest of my life"

„Same here"

I smiled and he kissed me again. He stood up and took on boxers. I forgot that we were naked. I dressed up in boxers and a t-shirt. I went downstairs with him. I saw my mom so I stopped him.

„Go dress up!"

I whispered and he laughed and nodded.

„Morning mom!"

I went to her with a smile. She smiled.

„Hey sweetie. How was your sleep with Clay?"


„I wanted to wake you up and you were sleeping in his arms."

„Uh..I'm sorry that he was sleeping here"

„It's fine! He can be here anytime"

„Yeah thanks"

He went to me and stood next to me.

„Good morning ma'am"

„Good morning Clay, please call me Amy(idk George's mom name so..)"

„Oh okay Amy"

She smiled and started to clean the table. I grabbed her hands.

„Mom go relax for a day. I'll do it."

„I'll help him"

„Thanks boys, btw you are really cute couple"

She hugged me and went to room. I smiled at Clay. We started cleaning the living room. Sometimes he gave me kisses. In the evening mom came to us. She looked better.

„I'm sorry boys..I fell asleep."

„It's fine mom"

She sat on the couch and we sat next to her. We started talking.


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