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I woke up and looked at the clock. 4am. I looked at Clay. He wasn't there. I sat and went from the bed.


I went to the living room. Nobody. I went to the kitchen. He stood next to the table.


„HeY GeOrGe"

He looked at me with a creepy stare. I looked at his hands. He had a knife. I was scared.

„Clay what are you doing?"

„Come here George!"

He went to me and I ran upstairs. I locked myself in the room and called Alex.

„What do you need?"

„Help me!"


„Clay has a knife and..he knocks on the door. Help!"

„Ugh so finally he is gonna kill you"


„Yeah, bye"

„What? But-"

He hung up. Clay stopped knocking on the doors. I opened them. He wasn't there. I ran downstairs and went to the door. Someone grabbed me from behind. I looked at that person. Clay. I wanted to scream but he put his hand on my mouth.

„Be quiet and it wouldn't be painful."

I started crying and he gave me a kiss on the head. I looked at his eyes. This wasn't Clay. His eyes were fully white.

„This was never meant to be"

He said and then cut my neck. I died. I woke up with hard breathing. I wanted to hug Clay but he wasn't there. I was scared and stood up.


I yelled and cried. I didn't want to die.


I cried when I saw him. He went to me.

„N-No! Please don't hurt me! Not again!"

„What are you talking about Gogy!!"

He hugged me.

„Shhh, don't worry, I'm here"

I cried and hugged him back.

„I-i had nightmare"

„Don't think about that babe. I'm here"

„Where have you been?"

„Um..in the kitchen"


„Yeah GeOrGe"

He smiled at me and showed me a sharp knife. I started shaking. No. No.

„Hey babe what is happening?! I was making breakfast!"

„Uh oh..it's morning? I.."

I told him my nightmare and he kissed me. He made me pancakes with ice cream.

„Clay! Thank you so much! I love you!"

He smiled at me and gave me a kiss.



„Can I have a question?"


„I found this green box in your cabinet when I was looking for medicine. What is it?"

He showed a little green box. I smiled.



„Yeah, flowers from my one friend."

„This box seems old"

„Yeah..he gave me this box few years ago"

„Why didn't you plant it then?"

„I don't know how to carry them."

„I will help you!"

I smiled and nodded. He passed me flowers. Calendulas. So pretty flowers.

„Pretty flowers for pretty man"

He whispered to me.

Yeah- I was inspired from Flowers from 1970- 😭

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