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I woke up first. My head hurt so much. I looked at Clay. WAIT WHAT, WHY IS HE WITHOUT T-SHIRT!? I looked at myself. I was without a t-shirt too. What happened? I bumped into him.


„Mhmm what sweetie?"

„Sweetie?! It's me George, so wake up!"

„Fine, fine, don't yell at me, my head is hurting."

„Sorry...what happened yesterday? Why are we in one bed without shirts and jeans?"

„I don't know"

Ugh, I put on clothes and went downstairs to cook breakfast. When pancakes were done I went to wake up boys. Karl and Nick were together in bed. Bench trio were in the living room on the sofa. Phil and Wilbur were awake. I went to Quackity. I opened the door and saw him sleeping under a blanket. He was cute. I sat next to him and woke him up.

„Good morning princess Quackity"

„Good morning princess Gogy"

We laughed and I gave him his clothes.

„Breakfasts are ready, quickly, I made pancakes, your favourite"

He gasped and started to dress up.

„Coming! Coming! Coming! GIVE ME PANCAKES!!!"

I laughed. I knew it! He ran to the kitchen and started to eat with the boys. I sat on a chair and ate one pancake. No more. I stood up and started cleaning the mess. The boys left and Karl with Nick was upstairs. Someone hugged me from behind.

„Hey princess"

„Clay what the fuck?"

„I came to help you"

„yeah? So start cleaning"


He gave me a kiss on the cheek and I groaned. Why does he do that? He is stupid.

„Clayton. Stop and go away from me"

„okay okay, chill"

He went upstairs and a few minutes later came to me with a backpack.

„I must go, Ally is waiting for me, ugh"

„Bye Clay."

„Bye George"

When I was done with dishes I told Karl that I'm leaving. He hugged me. I went home and turned on my computer. Minecraft. Again. I was on the server when I saw a message from Karl. He wrote that he wants to stream. I called him.


„Hi Gogy"

„Okay, can I start stream or"

„if you want"


I started streaming. One thousand people. They are crazy.

„Hey chat, I am so glad that I can be here again with you. Today I am here with Karl. So go check on his profile!"

„Hey chat"

he laughed. When I turned off the stream he said,

„Well Gogy, I must go, my mom is calling me"

„Yeah okay byee!"


I went to bed. School. FUCK. PROJECT. I called Alex.

„Gogy..don't worry it's done"

„how did you know-"

„man, you are my best friend"

„haha right, thank you so much"

„no problem"

We were on call for maybe 2 hours then we went to sleep.

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