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When I woke up I had one message from Clay.

I went out to the park

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I went out to the park. I sat on a bench and played music. Someone sat next to me.

„Hello you are GeorgeNotFound right?"

„Yes that's me"

„My name is Tom Simon, I have twitch acc Tommyinnit, I will be very happy if we can stream minecraft together."

„Good idea, we can stream today if you want, I saw your stream, you are really good"

„Hey thanks man"

I smiled and he gave me his number. Tommy waved at me and went to the small and tall boy. I went home and wrote Tommy.

I started stream

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I started stream.

„Eyyyy hey guys! Again, again! Today I am here with Tommyinnit, Tubbo and Ranboo! We are playing minecraft. Like always, so let's goo."

„Welcome to the stream boyz!"

yelled Tommy and we started playing bedwars.

„Thank you for all donations"

We played for like 4 hours and then I ended the stream. PARTY, fuck! It was 8pm. I must hurry. I put some jeans on and a purple t-shirt. I went out of the house and Clay was in the car.

„Hey streamer boy"


„You yelled as crazy"


I sat next to him and looked at his outfit.

„Hey Clay you look really good with that yellow shirt..or green"

„Um it's green...wait are you colorblind?"


„Ow that's stupid"

I nodded and he stopped. We got out of the car and went to Karl's home.

„Hey Jacobs!"

I yelled and gave him one big hug.

„I missed you Karl"

„I missed you too Gogy"

He looked at Clay and laughed, then he hugged him.

„Don't look that angry at him! I missed you too."

They laughed and went to the living room. Quackity and Sapnap came.

„Wilbur! Jack!"

I heard from the door. Tall boy with glasses stepped into the living room. Then came skinny boy with cap on head.

„Oh hey! I am William Gold, but please call me Wilbur"

„Hi, I am George Davidson, just Gogy"

„I am Jack Manifold, just Jack"

I smiled and sat next to Clay again.

„Oh, is this your boyfriend?"

Asked Wilbur and I laughed.

„No this is my friend Clay"

„Nice to meet you Clay"

he said to him and smiled at him. He waved.

„Well we can start, Techno will come later, I hope"

We nodded and Karl started playing some music. I was next to the door when the bell rang. I opened the door and saw Tommy with his two friends and one boy.

„Ughh hi I am Techno and this is bench trio"

„yes I know we are waiting for you!"

I went to the living room with them.

„Tommy hey, you are minor what are you doing here?"

„Leave us, we wanna be just here. Chill."

Karl wasn't happy. He gave us cups with some alcohol or whatever it was. I drank it. Ugh. Yeah alcohol.

„Who want play t or d"

asked Nick. We said yes. Karl yelled


„hm truth"

„are you straight?"


Karl smiled and nodded. Quackity looked at Nick.




he came closer to him and whispered something to him. He started laughing. I was scared.

Hey my bellissima :)), I know this story is not good because English is not my language but I tried it! So I hope you will enjoy my problematic story😏😏😏

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