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This month a few interesting things happened. I was with Clay secretly. I was really happy. Me and Quackity went to school. I wanted to wave at Clay but he was with Allison. I looked at Alex.

„What is that?"

„I don't know, come closer"

he said and we went a little bit closer.

„But Clay! It's your kid!"

„It is not!"

Kid? I looked at Allison. She was pregnant. I turned around. Nope. I ran out of them. Clay yelled at me but I didn't hear that. I don't care. I sat on the bench in the park. Someone sat next to me.

„Are you okay?"

„Yeah totally"

I said while I was crying.

„What happened"

„Clay happened"

„What did he do?"

„Allison is pregnant, Nick"

„With him?!"


He hugged me.

„I am so sorry"

„It's fine..It's not your fault"

He was hugging me for a while.


„Welcome Clay"

„Why are you hugging Gogy?"

„He was crying"

„Oh no, because of Allison?"

„Yeah, you broke him"

„I am really sorry sweetie"

I stood up and said while I was crying.

„Sorry? You have children with her!"

„No, no! It's not mine. It can't be!"

„Don't tell me that you two don't sleep together."

„We were but.."


„George, listen"

„Clay! Just stop!"

He kissed me. I pulled out.

„I said listen to me"

he smirked and I blushed.

„It can't be mine because we had.."

he whispered to me the last words. I looked at him and started laughing.

„What is funny?!"

He laughed with me. I hugged him.

„Okay guys, Karl is waiting so bye bye"

We waved at him and I still hugged Clay. Then he pulled out because his phone rang. Message. He just turned off the phone and hugged me again.



„What is between you and Niki?"

„Nothing, she is like my younger sister, she is helping me a lot"

I smiled and he nodded. My mom called me that I must go home. I kissed him and went home. He went home too. I helped my mom with cleaning the house.

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