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It was midnight when Clay woke me up. Ugh.

„Clay what?"

„I wanna cuddles Sap"

Sap? What? Oh no. I stood up and went with him back to the room.

„Lay down Clay"

I laid next to him and he hugged me. I put my head on his chest. I enjoyed his hug. But it was not good because he thought that I was Sapnap.

„Clay..I am not Sapnap"


„I am George"


He pulled out and looked at me but then hugged me again.


„Oh..okay Clay..go sleep"

I fell asleep. Next morning I woke up screaming. Clay's scream.

„Shut up! Clay my ears!"


„You were drunk so I brought you here because I am afraid of Sapnap okay..?"

„Little baby"

He laughed and messed up my hair.

„Hey! This little baby must hug you at night! Baby-"

„Hug, you said? Hug me now"

„Wha? What?"

„Hug me, c'mon George"

I hugged him and he started laughing while he hugged me back.

„You are so small"


„Sorry but it's true-"

Someone knocked on the door. Oh no I forgot. Quackity.

„It's probably Quackity, when I open the door you go by the window, fine?"

„Fine bye little-"

„No, don't finish that, bye"

I opened the door and when I closed them I saw Clay running away. I giggled. Quackity sat on my bed and looked at me.

„Who's this hoodie, boy?"

He pointed to a green or yellow hoodie. Shit. Clay's hoodie.

„Um friend's"

„Oh okay"

I grabbed the hoodie and locked it in the closet. We started to stream. DreamWasTaken just donated 200$ dono: hey!.

„DreamWasTaken thank you so much! And hi! I hope you enjoy the stream and welcome!"

We were streaming all day and in the evening Quackity asked.

„Georgie? Can I lie on your bed again?"

„Yeah Alex, like everyday dude"
he laughed.

„George come here!"

„Why Quackity?"

„I wanna be with you"

I shyly smiled and nodded.

„So bye chat! And I again thank you for your donations!"

I ended the stream and laid next to Quackity. He turned on the TV.

„Can we watch horror Gogy?"

„Which horror, Big Q?"

„Mhmm what about Woman in black"

„I never saw that! Let's go"

Horror started and I jumped when I was jumpscared. I hugged Alex, I hate this! When horror ended Alex fell asleep. HOW. I opened Twitch on my phone and clicked on the account DreamWasTaken. I wrote him massage.............

that is for this part guys <3 sorry I don't write this texts but I am really bad in english..so have a nice day, or night, I don't really know, LOVE YA <333

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