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I woke up at 7:00. I ran to school and met Quackity before school.

„I am sorry I am late!" 

I said to him and he laughed. We went to class and sat on chairs. Someone pulled my chair so I fell on the floor.

„Hey loser"

said that Nick. 


I stood up and looked angrily at him. He was surprised and so was my class. I smirked and bumped into him. 

„Just stop bullying smaller or younger students, it's not cool" (yea..we can pretend that Gogy is younger? xdd)

I pulled Quackity's hand and went out of class.

„Woah bro that was so cool!"

he yelled and I looked at him 

„seriously? I have a problem now" Quackity rolled his eyes 

„so George I wanna you meet my friend Karl" 


I smiled and went with Alex to the park. Tall handsome boy walked to us and smiled at me. 

„Hello! My name is Karl Jacobs" 

he said with energy in his voice. I love his voice. I smiled 

„Pretty name! I am George Davidson" 

I shaked his hand and he gave me a hug and then he hugged Quackity. I laughed, I think he loves hugs. We spent all day together. When I went home I was on my street and I saw that blond tall boy. I was scared because he was a bully. He waved at me.  

„Hey Georgeee!" 

he yelled at me and I went closer. He was drunk 

„George- mm- m-my name is Clayton you know?" 

I groaned, hot man, hot name. Wait what.

„Okay Clay, where are you living?" 

I asked and looked at him

„with Sapnap"

„who is Sapnap"


he laughed. Fuck. Not him. 

„Come with me Clay" 

I grabbed his hand and pulled to my house. Mom was not home today, she worked 24 hours today. I grabbed him in my room 

„you can lay in my bed I will be in living room" 

I put him in bed and went down on the sofa. I fell asleep.

Bully or LoverWhere stories live. Discover now