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„George! Where are you?"

„Well..I needed time"

„What happened?"

„I think I lost him"

„You love him?"

„Um, I mean yes, of course!"

„Are you sure?"

„Yes..he is the reason for my smile.."

„Awwww you are into him!"

„Yes..that's what I said"


„See ya"

He hung up and I looked at Quackity.

„Really George? Is he the reason for your smile? What about your best friend Aleeex?!"

„Oh, sorry princess!"

We laughed and we started playing Minecraft and streaming.

Chat: heyyyy, where's Dream?

„Ugh, guys he is not here so don't mention him. Thanks."

We played for three hours. Then we went out.

„So princess Gogy, what now?"

„I don't know..we can go restaurant, I will pay"

„Oh okay! Thanks!"

I smiled and grabbed his hand.

„I will show you my favourite restaurant"

He smiled. We went to the restaurant. We sat in a box and talked. I laughed when he was saying his embarrassing moments. We ordered drinks. We took photos.

Quackity is so small

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Quackity is so small. He is cute. We laughed when I saw him. He stepped into a restaurant with two girls. He seemed happy. I looked away when he looked at me. I hugged Quackity and whispered to him.

„He is here.."

„Ugh. So we can go to the park!"

„Yes please"

We went out and went to the park. We sat on the bench.

„I have a nice idea!"

„What is it, Alex?"

„I'll take a photo of you!"


He took his phone. After a few minutes he gave me a phone.

„Chosen one"

I nodded and started looking at photos. Woah. I looked pretty. I choose one and the other is deleted.

Clay's POV again haha:

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Clay's POV again haha:

I was in a restaurant with Alyssa and Drista. I saw George with Alex. George turned around when he noticed I looked at him. Few minutes after they left my phone buzzed. I looked at my phone. Alex. Huh.

I thought I started blushing

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I thought I started blushing. How could he be so hot? I smiled.

„Why are you smiling bro?"

„Don't ask Drista"

„Fine fine"

I stood up.

„I think I'm going to home"

They nodded and I passed money to Drista. I went home.

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