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„Clayton, what is this?"

„Mom, this is my boyfriend George"

„No, you will have girlfriend and then you'll have family with her"

„But mom! I wanna marry him!"


Told his mom.

„Miss..Can I have your son for the rest of my life?"

„Say yes"

„Say yes"

Told Alyssa and Minx.

„Cause I need to know"

I grabbed his hand while I told this. I was scared. She frowned and said.

„You'll never get my blessing until day I die, tough luck my friend but the answer is no"

„Why you gotta be so rude?"

Alyssa stood up.

„Don't you know he's human too?"

Drista continued.

„Why you gotta be so rude?"

Minx said and then I yelled.

„I'm gonna marry him anyway!"

„Marry that boy"

Drista said and smiled at us.

„I'm gonna marry him anyway.."

„Marry that boy!"

Smiled Alyssa.

„No matter what you say, miss"

„And we'll be family.."

Clay said and hugged me. His mom went outside and I started shaking. Clay hugged me thigher.

„You are amazing honey"

He kissed me and I kissed him back.

„Thank you"

I smiled and grabbed his hand. Girls stood up and hugged me.


„Thanks girls, I am scared as hell rn"

They laughed. We went to my house and I wrote Quackity. Everything is good now, thank you so much. I opened the door and went to the kitchen with Clay.

„Hey sweetie!"

„Hey mom."

„Oh hello Clay"

„Good afternoon ma'am"

„Are you leaving to work mom?"

„Yeah, I'll be back tomorrow"

„Okay then, bye, love you"

„Love you too"

I kissed her cheek and then she left.

„You have such a perfect relationship with your mother! She supports you in everything you do. She is really amazing"

„Yeah she is..but she is working so much."

„I see"

We went to my room and I sat on my bed. He sat on my chair and turned on the computer. He opened Twitch and started streaming.

„Clay what the muffin"

„Hey chat! It's me, Dream!"

„Hey chat..he stole my pc"

I looked at him. He never put the camera on. I went to him and sat on his knee. He was surprised. He opened Minecraft and spoke to people. I kissed his cheek. He smiled. He played for two hours and I started to get bored.


I whined. He looked at me.

„I'm streaming George!"


Chat: Oh shit, Did he call him baby?!
         Dnf is real!

I smiled.

„We love you guys! You are the best, but Dream must go because he'll gonna watch movie with me"

„Bye chat!!"

He pinned me on the bed. I looked at him with a surprised look. He smirked.

„Do you like this position?"

He leaned to me and whispered in my ear.

„Do you like this position sweetie?"

He gave me a little kiss on the neck and I closed my eyes. It was fvcking perfect. I wrapped my legs around him.

„Clay, stop with this. Come watch a movie!"

He smiled and gave me a kiss.

„But you have legs around me baby"

I groaned and let him go. I turned on the TV. We watched some movies but I fell asleep.

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