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Guys do you not see how adorable it would be to have Rebekah and Caroline as friends on the show??? They're so similar and oh my god they would give me feels.

1. Both have been sexually mistreated by Damon (Caroline in s1 and Rebekah when he slept with her to get answers)
2. Team barbie.
3. The scene in s3 when they talked and it was eye communication.
4. They wouldn't need that much in the friendship from each other, just someone to listen to them
5. "The Elena I know would've given Jesse a chance". "Get over yourself, Elena, its not all about you" ---the truest words from their lips
6. Caroline saved Rebekah's life
7. They're just the cutest little things ever. Full stop, capital letter

So yeah. What'd you think?

Which one do you like?

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