The cure theories 6x17+

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1. Katherine is in the prison world as a vampire. She was the one to digest the cure and now it magically shows up in the Other Side. I also think that she'll be back and be the third in Stefan and Caroline's emotionless adventures. I mean, how awesome would that be? Katholine was adorable when they teamed up during that stage where s5 was Delena...Delena...Stefan...Delena...human Katherine... I assume you get the message? Just letting you know now, I don't ship Delena in the slightest.

2. Katherine is back. Back from the dead. And ready to start some shit up. Except...Stefan and Caroline have already! Oh, well, if she can't start em, join em. Plus, we all know that Stefan and Caroline are Katherine's favourite vampires in the universe.

So those are my theories!
What do you think

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