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So the amazing TTaraIs_A_Unicorn tagged me in something

So here it is!

Do you like someone?

Do they like you back?
Well I'm pretty sure he has a girlfriend and doesn't know I exist

What's your middle name?
Caroline (fangirl on three...)

Single or taken?
Single bc I'm too fabulous for the boys. Well that's what I tell myself at least...

Last person you texted?
One of my besties

Girl best friends?
Two girls called Carly and Reegan

Guy best friends?
None tbh

Last song you listened to?
All the things she said by TATU

Why did you make your account?
Because I love writing and reading and wanted to meet some stelena Stans

What is your OTP?
My OTP is klaroline

When is your birthday?
29th December 2000 at 6:00 pm

How much battery do you have left?
I have 66% left.

So that is it and I'm tagging anyone who wants to do it

Rant bookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora