Why elena gilbert is so dangerous

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The video I've added is when Elena tells Caroline (who was raped, abused, fed on and almost killed multiple times by Damon) and Bonnie (who's mother and grandmother were killed by Damon's actions and she too was bitten by Damon) that she slept with Damon. Oh, and when Elena brings this up, she calls it "issues". Yeah. Exactly.
So, Caroline mentions the dirty skanks that Damon's had in here. This upsets Elena and displeases Bonnie. Note how I said displeases. Bonnie wasn't upset, she most likely agreed with the blonde. Yet, she knew Elena cared for Damon and was letting Caroline know that she'd gone too far without saying anything.

Elena retorts by saying, "what made you jump into bed the minute you saw him?" She is implying that Caroline's rape, abuse and blood loss is Caroline's on fault for being a slut. And I hate that. It's quotes like that that make Elena a dangerous person. Because younger people (sometimes younger than 11) see this and think that Elena is a sympathetic strong character and agree with her. They get the impression that if someone doesn't like your boyfriend/friend/partner for, say, abuse, and mention this to you, that it is ok to call them a slut and blame them for the abuse. And this is going to go on to the next generation and so on. Elena Gilbert was just responsible for slut shaming raped, abused, mistreated and targeted people. That's just one example of the slut shaming on this show. Rebekah is frequently called an evil blood slut, and Elena's slut shaming towards Katherine, Rebekah and Caroline is horrific.

I think that women on TVD and other popular shows need to be shown more respect because it's apparent at the moment that Damon, for example, is treated as a god by Elena and even Stefan. That's one reason why i ship bamon. She doesn't let him get away with anything. His brain vessels have popped so much from her and he was almost set on fire by her twice. Elena wouldn't do that to Damon, she sweeps it under the rug.
If it was Caroline talking about Klaus, Elena would melt down. Actually, I might write that in my deleted scenes story :)

Ok, this was a little heavy.
Who should I rant about next
-Katherine (queen doppelgänger)
-Originals (family not show)

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