Stallison and stelena parallels

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! Possible spoilers for Teen Wolf and TVD. If you haven't and are planning on watching either show, you've been warned !

1. Having a classroom scene in the Pilot
In tvd we had Elena and Stefan exchange longing looks and in Teen Wolf we had Scott give Allison a pen without her even asking

2. Sport
Both Elena and Allison have admired Stefan and Scott playing lacrosse, respectively

3. The bully on the team
(Not stelena and stallison but more Stefan and Scott). Tyler Lockwood for tvd and Jackson Whittemore for TW. To add more parallels, both bullies turned into a rare supernatural creature

4. The popular best friend (Allison and Elena). In teen wolf, Lydia the smart but popular girl, befriends Allison. In tvd, Caroline is Elena's popular best friend. Also, thinking of the previous one, Lydia and Jackson were a couple and Caroline and Tyler were a couple. Both didn't work out.

5. Party scene where they start changing
In teen wolf, Scott and Allison are at a party together and he almost changes into a wolf in front of her. In tvd, Stefan and Elena are at a party together and he vamps out in front of her. Scott and Stefan both left Allison and Elena at a party alone. Both of these are in the Pilot

6. Family of hunters
In tvd, Elena's birth father and adopted family were vampire hunters/against vampires. In teen wolf, Allison's family are werewolf hunters

7. The popular best friend has shown an interest in their boyfriend
I'm not even getting started on sterolise but Lydia made out with Scott at one point, similar to how Caroline had an active interest in Stefan.

8. Sex advice
Both Lydia and Caroline have given Allison and Elena sex advice, both expressing disbelief that they haven't had sex before

9. Both Stefan and Scott are quiet loners and main characters

10. Both Stefan and Scott have a healthy friendship with Caroline and Lydia

So what do you think? I've just started TW and I love it.

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