Polite manners of wattpad

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Do: comment and vote when you like a book
Don't: comment insistently asking for the author to update

Do: ask for advice regarding your writing if you know that person well
Don't: demand advice for your writing

Do: listen to the author. It's their book. What they say God
Don't: think you know better

Do: understand that the author isn't out to personally hate you
Don't: send hate every chapter because you don't like something

Do: stick to what you enjoy  reading
Don't: read something you may not like and then get offended when you don't like it

Do: read the tags/summary first
Don't: jump in headfirst

Why did I post this?

Because thatswhatzsaid just posted a chapter about something similar and the whole theme of authors bending to the readers whims pisses me off

Like I wanna be an author some day and I write for myself. The books I write mainly don't go seen, but when I get inspired, I write. The other day I wrote over a thousand words because I wanted to. And that's the best part of being an author

If you don't have a time limit, then you can write when you want. And writing is good, it's fun, it's freeing. It's a way of escaping from  the world and entering another one.

And then you have the readers who sit on a throne of superiority. They think they're the leaders and we, the authors, will do what they want.

Granted, I don't like all books. My least favourite series include the Halo series by Alexandra Adornetto which is so sexist and demeaning, I hate it

There are some things I love which are sexist and violent and demeaning. Sure. When the author acknowledges it as a fault.

When the author just acts like "boys will be boys ahaha but isn't he romantic you love him don't deny it" or "well it's all her fault isn't it she shouldn't have rejected him she should have accepted him" (COUGH DAMON AND KATHERINE IN 2x01 OH PARDON ME IM CLEARING MY THROAT) there is a problem. A big one. And it's then that you have to take a look at yourself and realise why that's wrong

After this, I have a delena/stelena rant on melodrama

I just wanted to get this off my chest

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