Dear past self

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Inspired by Coll eenGrier end of her last chapter of her rant book, I'll do one to me. (S1-2)

So, this is me before the end of s7. You've Been watching tvd for a long time, you might as well know what happens.

- you stop shipping Delena and start shipping stelena. They are now your otp. You also love screaming at Damon and Elena while they're on the screen together
- maroline is no longer your otp. Sorry. You remember Klaus? That guy you thought would end up with Alaric (don't even ask), Isobel or katherine? He didn't. He ended up with Caroline Forbes. And you still bawl over them.
- you LOATHE beremy and no longer wiggle with excitement when you see them. In fact, Jeremy is your second most hated character. But you ship him with Rebekah, something I'll bring up in a second. You ship Bonnie and Damon and Bonnie with another original.
-because of your common sense, you still ship Kalijah. (Thank heavens I knew something about consenting relationships)

Your favourite character is Rebekah. An original, but she's sassy, classy, smart, athletic and everyone hates her. Except Matt. Matt is fond of dancing with Rebekah, making out with her against a tree, melting my ovaries, making out on top of a live bomb and making me cry.

So. This is you. You cry over the smallest thing. and you still look up Kennett AUs online and read fan fiction and note that they could've just daggered Kol not killed him and woken him up on the Originals and Bonnie, kath and Caroline could've gone to NOLA. But that's a different story.

Xoxo, season six you.

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