Ship rants

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Guess what guys? 

I got into my first fight with a delena stan! Isn't that exciting? 

What happened was I was in the anti! Caroline tag to see if anyone had any valid reasons, beyond her not liking delena, to not liking her. 

So I saw a post about why Caroline "slut-shamed" Elena for sleeping with Damon. 

I sent the maker a message saying literally: 

TBH I didn't notice Caroline shaming Elena for Damon after she slept with Klaus. I haven't seen s5 in a LONG time. Can anyone back this up? I'm 85% sure the last time she shamed Elena was in 5x01 when she told her she made an "easily reversible mistake" or something along those lines bc in season 5B, they started developing steroline

and the original poster replied with: 

the last time she shamed elena was in 5x08 when she said "Elena, when are you gonna figure out that the outside world is not nearly as dangerous as the person you're inviting into your own bedroom?" and later said "the Elena that I used to know would have given Jesse a chance." (which btw is bullshit) i didn't say she shamed elena after klaus but the fact that she didn't doesn't make anything better?? of course she didn't shame elena after she had sex with klaus (that i remember) because not even caroline is THAT clueless. but she hasn't ever even given a real apology to elena for all the shit she told her and made her feel. and then we knew again how caroline felt about elena when she turned off her humanity and damn what a fucking hypocrite. honestly im done arguing this if you defend caroline's behavior (im talking seasons 1-6) then damn boi i dont wanna be your friend lmao  

There it is! My first unofficial fight with a delena stan! (I looked through their blog later and they also have an anti Kat Graham tag, so there you go).

There it is! My first unofficial fight with a delena stan! (I looked through their blog later and they also have an anti Kat Graham tag, so there you go)

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ANYWAY, I thought I might make this a rant on why Stelena should not get back together and form a relationship.

1. It would make both look bad: Stefan would look like he had no self-esteem, Elena would have led both brothers on for no good reason 

2. It would completely ruin Caroline's friendships with Elena and Stefan. Think about it. 

Your best friend broke up with her boyfriend. Later on, he showed an attraction to you which you decided to act on. Something happens to your best friend. You and your boyfriend get closer while she's asleep, and when she comes back...she decides she actually loves him, and he actually loves her.. 

3. Many of the stelena posts I've seen are...awful, to put it lightly, to Caroline, and it's not tagged properly, so when I go into the stelena tag on tumblr, all I see are posts about Elena somehow taking Caroline's spot at her own wedding. 

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