Bonnie bennett ships

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* with references from team barbie.

Quote: I don't give a damn.
I honestly couldn't care less about beremy 😂. I shipped them in season two and stuff but's so old and they both should move on. #jeranna #bamon

Monnie, Tonnie and bonenzo
Quote: my day just got a whole lot better
I put these in the same quote because I don't really ship them but they're cute, they have chemistry and if Bonnie's happy, I'm happy.
Monnie would be cute
Tonnie would be sweet
Bonenzo would be adorable
But Matt, Enzo and Tyler are like irrelevant now. I haven't seen s7 yet though so maybe there's hope.

Quote: you're perfect
Because bamon are adorable, hot, cute, perfect, sweet little lovelies who need to hook up and realise they're in love. They're one of my otps. I mainly ship klaroline though.

Quote: fantastic
I do ship them and if bamon didn't get together,Kol is my next choice for Bonnie. I love the Fanfiction and whatnot. The actors ship it too.

Bonlijah and Bonkai
Quote: I am a winner when it comes to successful relationships

I feel like these couples could have been a healthy-ish relationship. Bonlijah would be light and bonkai dark. Or vice versa. It's a double faced coin. Bonkai could be dark and murderous or light and fluffy. Bonlijah could be respectful and sweet or hot and dangerous.

Klonnie and Bilas
Quote: and anyone capable of love is capable of being saved

The two big bads with little Bonnie. Both had an epic power play with her and then...nothing. Imagine the potential of Bonnie falling for Klaus and him using this and then he falls for her or Silas doing the same. Imagine. Imagine how epic it would be.

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