The vampire diaries resoloutions

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Elena resolves to wake up from her coma without killing Bonnie. This event has opened her mind and she vows to be kinder to those around her. She also vows to get kidnapped/killed less

Caroline resolves to have some time away from Stefan, Klaus, Matt, Tyler and any other boy she's shown an interest in so she can find her true self. She also vows to stand up for herself more and to be someone's first choice. Coincidentally, she has a first class ticket to NOLA to help with that

Bonnie vows to be treated better by...everyone. Sick of being the good witch next door, she vows to rebel a little and do more than is expected of her. Apart from that, Bonnie is perfect.

Katherine vows to come back from hell and unleash it on everyone who got her there. She wants to do this by bringing the man who put Elena under a curse back. Because the world needs some Kaitherine.

Rebekah vows to be a queen, snap Cami and Hayley's neck, return to Mystic Falls or go somewhere like Italy, Paris or New York. She vows to get another hair cut and new shoes because the ones she has are so last season.

Stefan vows to wake Elena up, not die, not get tortured, remain fabulously haired, and break up with Caroline. He also vows to run away from Mystic Falls and find another nice brunette girl with perfect olive skin and warm, kind eyes and this laugh that makes you laugh...I'm not tearing up. At all

Klaus vows to get away from the peasants in NOLA and come back to Mystic Falls, punch Alaric and maybe Stefan and swoop Caroline off her feet. He vows to give her the world and the world is his for the taking. After all, he. is. immortal. Oh, and if Caroline doesn't go for him, Klaus vows to take Stefan instead

Damon vows to be less of a jerk and be more considerate to Bonnie and not let her almost die. He also vows to stop immediately dumping his problems on her. He vows to not snap Stefan's neck every week and to apologise to Caroline for his season one actions. Damon also vows to only murder one person a week.

Elijah vows to come back to Mystic Falls and get Katerina back. After all, what kind of man would he be if he didn't try to at least find his Katerina? He also vows to get away from Hayley and Cami and those NOLA peasants who couldn't touch Katerina if they had wanted to. He vows to propose to Katerina when he sees her.

Matt vows not to get eaten by any rabid vampire. He also vows to STOP BEING FRIENDS AND GOING OUT WITH VAMPIRES IF THEY ARE SO EVIL. GODDAMMIT, DONOVAN, MAKE UP YOUR MIND. He also vows to find Rebekah and love her again

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