Julie Plec's writing room of evil

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Julie plec stared at the outline for season four:

"Elena's transition into a vampire means she will struggle with a sire bond to Damon, who is out of control, and her genuine feelings for Stefan. Bonnie will end up helping Kol and Damon redeem themselves-- but they ultimately need to do it themselves because no one else is responsible for their behaviour. She will also experiment with dark magic which will allow her to communicate with the dead. Meanwhile, Caroline finds the truth out about her family and her connection to Klaus, who has been persisting in wooing her. There will be a new big bad in town called Silas who has the ability to mimic people's outward appearances. Katherine Pierce will return for five episodes in order to help defeat the villain,"

Julie stared at the paper and broke into hysterical laughter, scrunching it up before typing up a new copy of the sheet:

"Elena's transition into a vampire means she will struggle with her true love with Damon, and her forced feelings for Stefan. Bonnie will end up using dark magic which will eventually cause her to die. For good. No more Bonnie. No more bamon. Delena. Meanwhile, Caroline will be there to be a stelena supporter and to give the delena fans reasons to call her a bad friend online. There will be a new big bad in town called Silas who has the ability to mimic people's outward appearances. Katherine Pierce will return for two episodes so she can get Elena to turn off her emotions. A vampirism cure is found and Elena forces it down Katherine's throat,"

A small smile crossed her face as she looked at the piece of art in front of her. Yes. Everyone would love it. Of course they would. Julie was, after all, a script writing genius.

"I think it's time we took a drink," she whispered, leaving the room. Five minutes later, Paul Wesley came in. 

"No," he whispered in horror, gaping at two words: No. Bamon. No bamon! How could they not have bamon. Julie would be back after her drink, Paul knew it. So he changed it to say one thing: bamon hug before dashing out of the room.

When Julie returned, she printed out the summary and sent it to everyone.

"I die?" Kat asked, looking horrified,"I die?"

"I end up with Damon? Please, as if!" scoffed Nina

"Bamon hug," Ian and Paul said dreamily in unison

"I don't really want my character to be hated!" Candice said, raising her hand slightly.

"You're a female on this show. Of course you're going to be hated," Claire said, rolling her eyes. She couldn't count the number of "how dare Rebekah sleep with poor Damon !" messages there were out there. Or the number of times her character had been called a slut or a bitch in show. Nina high-fived her, nodding empathetically.

"This is what people wanted for season four," Julie interrupted, "so I'm giving it to them!"

"I can't believe that people actually want Damon and Elena ending up together, he killed her brother!" groaned a disgruntled Steven.

"What does Tyler do? Because I think we can really flesh out  his character a lot more, maybe have him and Klaus stop trying to kill each other-" Michael was interrupted by the dark look Julie fave him.

"Tyler," Julie said, "will end up with his mother dead and all he cares about is revenge,"

"For real?" Michael muttered. He and Kat exchanged a grim look.

Six weeks later

"The ratings!" Julie screamed, trying to clutch them as they lowered.

"I thought everyone shipped delena," she whispered a minute later, looking confused. A light bulb clicked in her mind.

"STEROLINE, that's the answer!"

I'm so sorry I haven't updated this in forever. I'm on archive of our own, also as ameliapll, and I mainly write Flash stories, so check me out on there if you want!

Hope you enjoyed :)

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