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Niall came in the house smiling like a fool. I put down my phone.

"Niall Horan I haven't seen a smile like that since well college." I said.

"Uh yeah the date was great." He said coming to sit next to me.

"If you don't stop smiling like that your face might actually break." I said and he laughed.

"I kissed him." He said and I turned and looked at him smiling.

"So you're just kissing on the first date. Fucking on the second. Getting married on the third. And having kids on the fourth huh? That'da boy." I said and he hit me playfully.

"No but seriously. His lips are so soft. I honestly want to kiss him again." He said.

"But how was the date?" I asked.

"It was perfect. It was a fancy slash not so fancy restaurant. And we had dinner and it was so nice and we talked and everything. Then we had dessert and he was being so seductive with the damn strawberry. Made me want to pull him under the table with me. But anyway it was nice and he walked me to the door and he kissed my cheek. And I pulled him in for a little kiss. Like Louis oh my goodness." He said and I laughed.

"It sounded real nice. You better take me on a date." I told him.

"Louis you'll find that special someone." Niall said rubbing my shoulder.

"Yeah let's just see what life plans." I said sighing.

"I'm going to go get ready for bed." He said getting up.

"Good night, love." I said.

"Night big booty." He said and I laughed.

I picked up my phone and just scrolled through my timeline. I swear on my life about 30 minutes later I heard moans from Niall's bedroom. Those moans were soon turned into screams and pleas. I even heard him yell out for 'Zayn to fuck him harder' it was actually pretty funny but he was loud as shit.

I heard my door bell ring so I went to it. I saw a officer standing there chewing gum.

"Yes officer how may I help you?"
I asked him.

"Your neighbors called complaining about screams and yells. Is everything alright in there." He said.

"Yeah my best mates just masturbating." I said and he choked on his gum.

"Sir why would he be yelling." He asked putting his hands on his waist.

"Because he's probably got his fingers stuck up his bum and he just his prostate." I said.

"Ok sir um tell him to tone it down a bit. Enjoy your night." He rushed out and walked away.

I laughed closing my door what is he scared of gays. And walking to my room. But I thought who the fuck would call the cops. It might be those assholes that moved in recently. Assholes. I'm going over there tomorrow. Give them a piece of my mind.

On my way to my room I walked past Niall's and beat on the door.

"Calm the fuck down the called the cops on us." I yelled at him.

"Zayn fuck! Murder this hole." He moaned.

I just walked away from the door and into my room.

Nialler just got out of a relationship and is about to hop into another one like wtf I've been single for years. Damn i have the blue eyes like Niall. Is it my fringe? My facial hair? My sassiness? Well oh fucking well I'm perfectly fine being me.

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