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I made up the bed in Zayn's room. I had been staying here and at Lou's for the past couple days. I did talk to the firemen and they said that the reason our house caught fire was because our gas was on? Firstly Harry couldn't even get out the bed. And I hadn't touched the stove so I'm unaware as to how that was a possibility.

But I'm trying to get it sorted out with the legal people. I had insurance on my house and my parents had fully paid off the mortgage and stuff so maybe it's possible that I could find me and Harry a house close to Louis', Zayn's, or Josh's.

I sighed laying in the bed. I don't know what I'm to do really. And what makes it no better is Zayn's been kinda brushing me off. I don't understand it really. Like I can talk to him and stuff but he's been focusing on his painting and work. To me it seems like less of a job and more a distraction from what I can only guess is me.

I got on my phone and went through my tweets. The fire had made it to the news and they released that it was my house that caught on fire. So people have been sending out lots of tweets of prayer and hopes that I find a new place.

I tweeted them saying I was grateful for the prayers and there many hopeful hearts and crossed fingers for getting another place. I sighed and Zayn came into his room.

"Hey babe I'm going to Perrie's." He said.

"Can I come?" I asked.

"Uhh she kinda just wants me there right now. Her friend just dumped her." He said.

"Oh okay . Um I might end up going back to Louis'." I said.

"Cool. Anyways. I'm heading out now. See you later." He said.

"See you." I said and the door closed loudly.

I turned on my side and called Louis. "I'm at work Niall." He said as soon as he answered his phone.

"I know I know. I was wondering if I could go over your house?" I asked him.

"Sure sure." He said and hung up.

I'll go over there in a little while. I just laid there. I sighed before getting up and using the bathroom. I washed my hands and looked it to the mirror. I look like shit. And not the 'you look like shit' type that you laugh at but the 'you look like shit' type that someone ask what's wrong with you.

So much emotional and financial stress right now. Said everyone. I dried my hands and left the bathroom and went to put my coat on. I called a cab and they came to pick me up. I decided instead to go to my house. I saw it. Just a lump of ash. The walls hadn't caved but I wouldn't walk in there. There were a couple of flowers and signs there. I smiled and leaned to read them. I felt a presence walk past me but stop on the side of me.

"We've spent a lot of time in this house. I just don't get it." Harry said.

"I know. It's ridiculous. But I don't get it." I said.

"I don't either. I mean. You hadn't cooked that morning. And I hadn't got out of bed. That really is strange." He said.

"How did you get out?" I asked him.

"I was laying in bed and I kept smelling something burning but I thought nothing of it. I fell asleep for a good 15 mins and I woke up to the heat being unbearable but by then I saw that fire had made it to my door and up the walls of my bedroom. I struggled but I got up and opened my window and crawled out and fell into the wet mud. That's why I also had a blanket over me." He said.

"That was scary. Really scary." I said and he shivered.

"You're still sick." I said and he turned to me and I saw his red face and we begin walking to the little cafe up the street.

Last Chance (Ziall Horlik)Where stories live. Discover now