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[not edited]

I took my shirt off slipping into bed. I really wanted the one closer towards window. Why didn't I know he ran track.

He came out of the bathroom. "Minty clean." He said and climbed into bed.

"Good night." He said.

"Night." I said smiling and blew a kiss to him.

I saw him blush before turning off the light.

I fell asleep and actually relaxed.

A couple hours or so later I woke up because I had to take a wiz. I was completely out of it. It was 3:30 in the morning and I almost peed all over the toilet seat.

I washed my hands and went to go climb in my bed.


I moved around feeling s bit restricted. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Niall laying on my chest. His eyes opened slowly.

"Uh- I'm sorry I think I'm might've gotten in the wrong bed when I went to pee this morning. If so I can-" he cut me off.

"Shut up." He said snuggling into my chest more.

It was my turn to blush now. So we laid like that for a while and I started to massage his head. He hummed tightening his grip.

"Do you have to be somewhere to be today?" I asked.

"No I always come a day before all the events so I can actually take in where I am. I love America." He said.

"So we're doing nothing today?" I asked.

He looked up at me. "No I usually go out. We're in Los Angeles for Christ sake." He said and I laughed and the vibration in my stomach tickled him.

"Wow I didn't even notice." He said looking at my bare chest.

I smiled as he traced the heart on my lower abdomen.

"That tickles." I said and I wasn't lying it did a bit.

"You're so cute." He said looking up at me.

"Am I?" I asked smirking and he rolled his eyes rolling off of me.

"I'd use more descriptive and advanced words but that might gas your head up." Niall said sitting on the bed.

"What do you mean exactly?" I asked him.

"You'll be cocky." He said putting his leg over his head.

"You're flexible." I said because wow.

"I took gymnastics in highschool. People told me it wasn't a sport which it wasn't, then I got on the track team which people said that wasn't a sport which I beg to differ. Then I played football. Not all sports require balls." Niall said.

"Unless they're played by men." I said and he laughed falling off the bed.

"Let's go get some breakfast. I'm washing up first." He said getting up and skipping to the bathroom.

It's fine with me. Either way I get to see him come out the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. His creamy, milky skin glistening with water.

I need to stop.

I heard the water start and soon singing following behind. I knocked on the door.

"Yes." He yelled.

"I'm coming in to brush my teeth." I said.

"Oh okay." He yelled and I walked in.

It was very steamy. How did he get it this steamy that fast. I grabbed my toothbrush and wet it then put the toothpaste on it. I started brush my teeth.

"The cold never bothered me anyway!" He yelled.

I laughed. Frozen has always been a good movie.

"Let it go. Let it goo. Something something and slam the door." He sung crazily.

I laughed. He didn't know the words. And I found that really cute, and adorable. I spit in the sink and rinsed it away. I brushed my tongue. Ew.

"You just gagged." Niall said.

"Yeah I'm brushing my tongue." I said.

"You're gonna have to fix that." He said and I laughed.

"Oh really." I said.

"Yeah I can't have you gag normally." He said and I laughed again.

"Why is that?" I asked.

He stuck his head out the shower smirking.

"Oh you know why." He said and I laughed.

"You look hot." I said and he flipped his hair up and winked at me.

I winked back and continued brushing my teeth. I spit again and rinsed my mouth. I grabbed the mouthwash and began to gargle. I spit it out and started to rinse again.

"Oh you're a spitter too." He said and I spit out my water laughing.

"Stop involving the hygiene of my teeth to sexual content." I told him and he laughed.

"Spitters are quitters." He said.

"I hope this works." I said and flushed the toilet.

He yelled while I heard a bunch of movements.

"Why would you do that?" He said.

"You're gonna be okay." I said walking out the bathroom.

"I'm gone." I yelled closing the door behind me.

Soon after he came out just like I imagined him too.

"You really are sexy." I said and he turned to me biting his lip.

I rolled my eyes heading for the shower.

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