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I woke up around 1 in the afternoon. It was okay though because I never allow myself to sleep in. I get out of bed and walking in the bathroom stripping and stepping under the water. What am I doing today? Maybe a stroll through the park. That sounds lovely. And maybe I get to bump into the little blonde boy. Niall. I like that name and it fits him.

I finish washing up and hopped out the shower. I put on some loose skinnies and a sweater with some brown boots. I put on another one of my coats because I still haven't sent my coat off to the cleaners from the hot white chocolate.

And I'm not talking about my drink.

I can put it in the cleaners now I guess. I just grab it putting it over my hand making my way out of my house and into the streets of London.

I dropped off my coat and paid before I went to the park. It was actually really cold today and I bet my face was a bit red. I sat down at a bench and just looked around. I saw a boy hitting his friend on the back so he can keep up with him running.

"Josh it's cold as shit out here." The boy with curly hair said.

"So what you wanted to stay inside all your life because you screwed up your relationship. You need fresh air." Josh said.

"Then how come I just couldn't sit on my fucking porch." The curly haired lad stopped running.

"Because I'm going to make you work for it and if you don't start jogging or running right now I'm going to kick you in the balls." Josh said and my eyes widened.

The curly haired lad start jogging with his friend again through the park.

Tough love.

I get up and walk to a little food place and the seat me. The loner lifestyle.

I saw a guy with chestnut brown hair pulling his friends arms to get in the door.

"Come on the food here tastes great. Nandos isn't the only place to eat." The guy said finally pulling his friend in and to my surprise it was blondie from the other day.

Are they friends? What if they're boyfriends? They can't be boyfriends! Niall can't have a boyfriend!

"Loueh." Niall whined. "I want Nandos." He whined again.

"No." Louis said.

The lady sat them down not to far away from me actually. The lady came to my table and took my drink and she was flirting but I wasn't rude to her.

"Okay Louis don't look now but that guy over there with the black hair was the one I saw in Starbucks a couple days ago." I heard Niall whisper to Louis.

Louis turned around and looked at me but I pretended to be reading the menu.

"I said don't look." I heard Niall scowl.

"Him over there." Louis said and I could see out the corner of my eye he was pointing to me.

"Shh." Niall said pleadingly.

"Him." Louis said louder walking closer to my table still pointing.

"Louis stop." I heard Niall say.

I looked up to see Louis standing closer with a smirk on his face still pointing to me but looking at Niall.

"Excuse me may I help you?" I said and Louis turned around and I looked passed him at Niall who was beet red.

He sat down in front of me. Crossing his hands.

"So you're Zayn." He said.

"Yes and you are?" I asked him.

"You are hot. Ten points for Nialler. I'm Louis his best mate." He said and I smiled.

"Thank you?" I said.

"Welcome. And well Nialler here seen you at Starbucks 2 days ago and he thought you were hot but you didn't exchange numbers so he was confused." He said.

"I-" he cut me off.

"Oh are you straight! All the good ones are mostly gay. Not you huh? Negative 10 points for Nialler." He said frowning a bit.

"I am bisexual. But I didn't give him my number because that's not how I operate." I said drinking my coke.

"How do you operate?" He asked.

"That's for me to know." I said smirking.

"Well do you like my friend?" He asked.

"Maybe. The last time I seen him he made me spill my coffee on myself. Maybe if I see him around a couple times, flirt a little more." I said and he smiled.

"Well that's good to know and I know I shouldn't tell you this because I don't know if he wants me to but he just got out of a relationship that was about 6 years long so he's kinda...... I don't know." Louis said.

"Is he fragile?" I asked.

"No because this is like there 5th time breaking up." Louis said.

"Well does that mean that he's not completely done with the bloke he's left because I am no ones rebound, nor home wrecker." I sassed which I don't usually do.

"Nope they are completely over Niall really doesn't give a shit. But I like you you're a little sassy. Just don't lead him on okay? Cause he's like my best friend and you're hot and you seem nice I guess." Louis said.

"I'm not that type of person." I said.

"Well I'm glad to here that. And I'm getting hungry so I'll just leave now. Nice talk Zayn." He said leaving.

I looked over at Niall to see him still as red as ever but him half covering his face with his hand. He looked up at me and I winked which caused him to get more red. Let me stop before he burst. They lady then came and took my order but then I went back to thinking about Niall.

He's cute. Like really cute and I might even go as far as saying he's sexy. He has the most beautiful eyes, like they're gorgeous. And his thin pink lips are fine and soft looking. I bet they'd be nice to kiss.

My food got here and the lady left still flirting with me. She wasn't cute but trying my best not to be rude.

When I was eating I heard a loud Irish laugh.

"Stop joking with me." I heard him say.

"I'm being honest. He's bisexual and he seems into you." And thats when he laughed again.

"Oh shut up before you make me piss me pants." He said.

When I was finished the lady came back and I paid her and gave her a 5 dollar tip.

She came back and handed me her number and I exhaled standing up.

"I like guys." I said loud enough so that Niall could here me which he did because him and Louis was looking over at me.

"God all the hot ones are gay." She huffed.

I liked my lips. "Yeah they are." I said looking at Niall and he blushed.

He's cute when he blushes. I walked to there table.

"Bye Louis. See ya Ni." I said and he blushed again and I walked away out of the restaurant.

I felt good. I also called one of me best mates. Liam.

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