Cold stare: part 2

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3rd person POV:

Standing before the fifth sage of magic who had Juvia tied up in anti-magic binds, Gray adjusted his glasses after hearing what Anna wanted.

Gray: You want...

Anna: A intact one of what you gave me.

Gray:(awkward chuckle)... And how am I supposed to do that without anyone noticing?

Gray: Especially, the guy it's attached to?

Anna: That's for you to deal with. I'm simply giving you orders.

Gray: Anna- miss Sprengal. The last time it was detached from him, he defeated the Third Sage.

Gray: Now, I might be pretty strong... But not stronger than a sage at full power.

Anna:... Yes, yes. I understand. No point in trying to bite off more than we can chew.

Anna: I'll simply take the sample you gave us already, along with this spy...

She glances at Juvia.

Gray:...Ugh... I'll bring the arm here as intact as I can. But you owe me.

He tosses the money she gave him as a reward for his services back to her.

Gray began counting down with his fingers.

Gray: The mission was me returning the favor, the reward is now that woman and this new mission leaves you with a favor you owe me.

Gray: Alright?

He asked, waiting to see if she would accept.

Anna: Very well.

Gray:(sigh)... Then it's time to go amputate an arm...

(Opening theme)

A certain feeling in his gut made Touma feel unsure about the whole Gray situation.

He couldn't just sit back, while his guildmate got into something shady.

Without a proper explanation, Touma couldn't accept these circumstances.

Setting out to investigate, Touma returned to the alleyway where it all began.

Hoping to find some kind of clue.

But all he found was Gray's shadow, literally, looming over him. Gray was standing on the roof of a building.

Climbing up to him, the two then stood across from each other. Gray making a gap whilst Touma was climbing up.

Touma: What are you doing up here?

Gray: I'm giving myself the best chances at beating you.


Gray: Remember that bag I gave to those people?

Touma: Yeah...

Gray: And remember when your arm got blown off during your fight with our Goddess of Bugzapping.

He referred to Misaka, the third sage.

Touma: Yeah...

Gray: Well... That's what is inside the bag.

It took Touma a moment to understand, that the right arm which was blown off during the Fairy Games battle with Misaka, was in the bag Gray gave to the mysterious mages.

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