Chapter 1

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"Hi! I need a boyfriend for like four hours top" I run to the counter, surprising the man upfront. "Uh... what reason?" He asks and I shake my head. "My parents are in town and they think I have a boyfriend!" I explain and he nods typing away.

"Preference?" He asks and I shake my head. "Okay, what's your name. "Zachary Tatton" his hand freezes at my last name as his eyes flicker up to me. "Tatton? As in..." he trails off and I nod. "Yup rich parents, big business branch, but that's not important I've got like a half an hour to get there" I huff looking out the door wearily.

"Can you have him wear a suit please!?" I practically beg, checking my own tie. I sounded so desperate, but it was my parents who'd send me back if they found out I was living alone.

"Yup! we have a guy available... he will be right out" he clicks the screen a few times as I pull out my wallet "twenty dollars an hour, you can pay now or after you drop the man off" he explains and I just hand him my card.

"Just charge my card and do not overcharge me... I hate when people do that. Pisses me off" I sigh and he nods quickly scanning my card before handing it back.

"He'll be right out" he hums. I step aside and tap my foot impatiently. I can't believe it. Me. Zachary Tatton... I'm actually renting a boyfriend right now. I am my family's pride and joy, their model for everything.

Dark brown hair and dark blue eyes, nothing special. The sun hates me so we could never stay at beach shoots too long. I don't tan, just burn. I'm a switch so as long as their male we're good... oh god please let this man be gay. That will be awkward if he's not. This whole thing is already awkward.

"Zachary?" A deep voice calls my name and I open my eyes to find a tall man dressed nicely. He was tan which I find ironic because I was just complaining about the sun. His eyes were dark brown but he has beautifully long eyelashes. What surprised me the most was his gorgeous long black hair. Falling past his shoulder blades.

He had part of it pulled up into a messy bun while the rest laid flat and my god it was hot. Screw rent a boyfriend can I just buy him? "Yes, and you are?" I ask putting my hand out. He takes it thankfully. "Damien Royce" I nod before pursing my lips.

"So you're my date, right? Just want to know before I drag you around" I smile apologetically at him and he chuckles. "Yup-" before he can say anything else I'm dragging him out and to my car.

"Go ahead and get in!" I shout hopping into the driver's seat. He does and buckles up. As soon as he closes the door I have the engine on and I'm going. "Okay long story short, my family is pretty protective because of me being heir of their business and they get scared bad people are going to come after me- so I'm not allowed to live alone... which I have definitely been doing..." I trail off realizing this desperate plan of mine was going to fail.

"So anyways if you're good with lying we've been living together for six months" I look over at him with a hopeful smile and he seems to take it all in. "I think I can do that" his voice was calm and honestly helped my frantic state.

"Fuck I forgot to ask if you're even into men- I wasn't going to bring you if you were uncomfortable" I groan looking at the now red light impatiently. "Don't worry, you are in my preferences" he looks out the window and I nod. That was a weird way to say it.

"Okay my birthday is March 21st, my middle name is Piers, friends call me Z... my best friend- his name... well. H-Henry, he comes around sometimes... I guess. I don't even know my favorite color" I try to give him some heads up and he stares at me curiously. "Z?" He asked raising an eyebrow and I nod. "My use to be friends liked it" I shrug and he nods.

"My mother's name is Nancy and my dad's name is Tony" I give him one last thing before we pull into the parking lot. I was sweating buckets, my heart pounding a mile a minute. I put the car in park and try to even my breathing. "Okay- you got this... act normal- and you won't have to move back home... ugh why did they fly all the way out here without warning meeee" I whine slamming myself against the seat.

Damien was chilling next to me as he unbuckled himself. "I'm sorry in advance" I shake my head getting out of the car. "Why?" He follows suit as I  lead us into the high-end restaurant. "Press" I mutter and immediately after cameras are flashing.

I put my hand up and cover his face. If they can't see him they can't ID him. This restaurant is full of celebs so the press aren't allowed on the property. All they will get are photos from outside of the gates. "Thanks" he murmurs and I nod taking my hand out of his way.

The doors open for us and immediately I see my parents. My mother was sitting in a long purple dress matched with her black coat while my father was in a suit already looking at wines.

"I don't know how to do this" I whisper over to him and he looks down at me with the same calm face. They really gave me a talkative guy. My mom spots us and starts waving like crazy.

I sigh but smile, I love my crazy mother. As I start to walk a hand is pressed firmly against my lower back and I look up to Damien who continues to walk towards my parents with a smile.

There are no feelings involved he's paid to do this. "Mom, dad, hi" I cheer leaving him to hug them. They both get out of their chairs and Damien puts his hand out for my dad who happily shakes it.

"Nice pick son" he looks at me before looking back to Damien. "Hello Mr. Tatton" he nods his greeting and I cheer on the inside, so far so good. "Call me Tony" I sit down wanting to get this over with as soon as possible.

"And hello to you Mrs. Tatton" he nods putting his hand out for her. She pulls him into a hug shaking him back and forth. "Oh dear- no please call me Nancy" she gushes before finally letting him go. He smiles and walks over to sit next to me.

Both sit back down and their eyes are stuck on him. "Zachary, sweetie, I was starting to get worried your little boyfriend wasn't real" mom chuckles and I wave her off. "Yeah- sorry he's just busy a lot" I look at Damien and shrug.

"Well, what do you do for a job?" Dad asks and I freeze. Fuck! Shit! Fucking hell! I forgot cuss words! "I work for a company, new clients every day- that's why it hard for me to spend time with this love of mine" he chuckles looking over at me.

My fear-stricken face drops and I look over at the man with wide eyes. "But we make it work, isn't that right darling?" He asks leaning over to kiss my head. "I-ugh- yes making it work... plus he's home every night" I make sure to mention we live together.

"I'm so happy you found such an attractive young man" mum gushes leaning over the table to get another look at him. "My god- I was going to wait for you to do it but would you just introduce the kid" Dad looks at me sternly and I slap my head mad that I forgot.

"Right sorry, this is Damien... Royce my boyfriend" I about forget his last name, but he smiles when I finish so I'm pretty sure I got it right.

"Thank you" Dad sighs feeling better now that he has a name to the face. The very attractive face. I wasn't going to lie he is a very handsome man. As if Mum could read my mind. "You have such a natural beauty, you should model for our company sometime! If you get really serious you could do a couples edition" she giggles clapping her hands together giddy.

"Oh- thank you for the compliment ma'am-" my mom quickly corrects him "Nancy" he clears his throat and nods. "Yes- thank you for the compliment Nancy, but I can assure you I would not make a good model" he pulls back his hair a bit more to reveal a long pale jagged scar going from his ear to his hairline.

"Oh, dear! Are you okay?" Mum asked as he pulls his hair back down to cover it. "Yes just fine now... Nancy" he catches himself and I clear my throat. "I still think you look great with the scar it gives you a- it adds to your look" Mum manages to get the words out before me.

He seems speechless at first before smiling. "Thank you, that means a lot" he admits and my dad opens his mouth ready to start his questioning. I could tell by the way his eyes flickered back and forth between us.

"Good evening, may I take your order?"

A/N- Will be posting daily, hope you enjoyed the first chapter

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