Chapter 2

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"Goodbye son, we'll come and visit sometime soon" Dad hugs me tightly before moving onto Damien. "It was a pleasure meeting you. Thanks for keeping my son safe" he thanks him giving my fake boyfriend a handshake.

"The pleasure is all mine" he responds while my mother is covering my face in kisses. "I'm going to miss you Zachary come visit us! Bring Damien! Please try to get him to model with you pleaseeee" she begs and I nod hugging her.

"I'll try he's very stubborn" I laugh not even knowing what I'm saying. I'm the stubborn one, he seems anything but stubborn. "I love your hair, you're my favorite son now. Thank you for taking care of my boy" she hugs the man tightly and I shake my head in my hands.

Dad wraps his arm around mom before they start to walk to their car. Damien takes my hand and we head out to my car my heart racing. I did it. I actually got away with this.

He kisses my hand before letting go and getting into the car. I look to the back of my hand surprised. That was nice. Not even going to lie that was really nice.

I get into the car silently before buckling and pulling out of the parking lot. "Thank you for this" I whisper and he nods looking out the window. "Just doing my job" he chuckles and once again I'm not going to lie- it kind of hurt.

I felt used by the words. The way he could just touch me so easily and then go and do the same with other people didn't seem right. It's his job Zachary, get over yourself. "Well you're very good at it" I continue and his face stays the same.

"Thanks, I try to do my best" he taps his hand on his leg and the rest of the ride was silent besides a few random conversations. I put the car in park and look at him.

"Do I need to do anything, or can I just drop you off?" I ask and he unbuckled resting his arm in between us. "You have to seal the deal, to officially end the date" he explains and I nod unbuckling to go sign stuff.

"You can do it in here" he whispers and I stop looking at him confused. His eyes flicker down to my lips and I finally understood what he meant.

I was just complaining to myself about getting used. His lips have probably touched so many other lips. Yet here I was leaning in anyways. He smiled a small smile before putting his lips onto mine.

His hand cupped my cheek and I will admit I got a little too into it. His lips were so soft it was hard not to. He pulls back with the same smile. "Was that actually necessary?" I ask and he shakes his head going for the door.

"Nope- technically I wasn't supposed to touch you at all because you didn't sign the contract. Just couldn't keep my hands to myself when it came to you" he says bluntly before closing the door.

I freeze watching him walk by before going back into the building. What does that mean!? My face heats up at the thought of what he said. "He probably says that to all his customers" I huffed to myself before pulling out into the street again.

Still, my mind was clouded and foggy. I kept thinking about him. How he got along with my parents, he was gorgeous really, he didn't smile much though when we were alone- kind of had this serious face the whole time.

His lips though were so plump and soft. I groan focusing back on the road before I get in an accident. "Focus got to focus" I mutter slowing down for the stoplight soon to turn red.

Maybe the radio would help. I reach over flipping on the first station. 'Wise men say~ only fools rush in~' I roll my eyes and change the station once again. 'Darling look at me, I've fallen like a fool for you' I huff looking to the radio. "Can we stop with the love songs!" I shout changing the station again.

'Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. I'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run~' I rush to change the station again. "Nope, we are not listening to Taylor Swift!" I continue yelling changing the station again.

'I'm so into you~ I can barely breathe~' I shut the radio off breathing heavily. "I'm done- no radio ever again" I go crazy before taking a deep breath. "Okay let's remember we have a speed limit" I hum slowing down.

It was dark and the lights of the city life were like blurs. I pulled into the parking lot of my house-complex. Parking, I climb out of the car locking it and heading into my side of the house.

It was basically a huge modern house split into two. Another one on the other side and a few just like mine behind it. Mine didn't have neighbors so there were no noises and it was amazing. I've thought about moving into an actual house because I could afford it but I think mum and dad might worry more if I do.

Opening the door I kick it closed behind me, turning to set the alarm. "What the fuck is going on" I groan trudging to the bathroom. Loosening my tie and collar, I lean over the counter with a confused look.

"Urgh!" I was upset with myself. I let him trick me. I let him get to me. I'm not just some guy he can use like that! I could sue him! He literally told me he wasn't supposed to touch me. I could do it! Why won't I...

I turn the faucet on and splash the cold water onto my face. Feeling a bit refresh but now incredibly messy. Grabbing the towel hanging on the wall, I pat my face dry.

"This is too stressful I'm getting wrinkles" I mumble checking myself out in the mirror. "God damn it you are twenty-four Zachary if you want a boyfriend you can get a boyfriend" I slam my hands on the counter. This man is really making me question my life.

I turn on the shower and start to strip before stepping in. The warm water hitting nicely on my shoulders running down my back. It was so relaxing. I dropped my head back and ran my hands through my hair.

I need to work out tomorrow, I had no time today and I hate being behind. I have scheduling for photoshoots and besides that, I think I might be free for a bit.

I washed my hair quickly and stepped out of the shower, drying my hair and body before wrapping the towel around my waist. I go to the mirror quickly flipping open the bottle of my face cleanser.

It dries on my face and cleanses overnight. One of my favorites that I have used so far. I leave the steam-filled room and immediately have a cat rubbing his fur against my leg.

"Hello to you to Rajah" I greet my Bengal cat. He's orange with black and brown stripes and reminds me of an adorable little tiger, hence where I got the name Rajah from the tiger in Aladdin. Plus I'm a grown man with a Disney addiction.

With my phone in one hand, I lean over and grab the cat holding him to my chest as I make my way to my room.

He lays comfortable and I set him on my bed going to my drawers. I pull on some boxers, followed by some fluffy pajama pants.

Going out to the balcony, I enjoy the fresh air. Watching the city in the distance. I'm used to this life. The honking of cars, the lights, all of it. Once again I'm joined by Rajah as he sits on my foot.

"I don't need some man to protect me- or women, girls are scary. Anyways getting off track I've got you my little tiger" I coo squatting down to scratch under his chin. He purrs nuzzling himself into my hand.

"I saw a very hot guy today- damn it I just had him out of my mind" I groan into my hands before staring down at the ground hopeless. The temperature was cooling down as the sun set.

I could see the outlines of cactuses and they were honestly comforting, all alone yet living life well. "I don't need no fucking man- I can be fine by myself!" I get a hiss and quickly correct myself. "I'm fine with my son!" I laugh not believing I'm having a therapy session with my cat who was now sitting at the table next to me enjoying the view I assume.

I grab him before walking back into the house closing the sliding door. I go for bed setting the cat down first before cuddling underneath my blankets. The cat curls up on my stomach and I pet his back listening to his purrs.

"I don't need anyone"

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