Chapter 38

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"You didn't have to come with me" I whisper to my father who shakes his head. "I'm your emotional support animal at the moment- let's go" he chuckles my actual pet in his arms.

I walk into the studio with little confidence. Wearing a hat to cover the part of my head that had to get shaved. It wasn't too bad I guess. I just had a really high undercut. The wrap had been temporarily covering it.

I walk to the group of crew and cast finding Jadyn quickly. He was eyeing Mylo as usual. I've generally become great friends with the two and feel like they might be some of my first friends since Henry. Of course, Damien is my friend I feel like we just skipped that stage at first and we worked in reverse.

"I've got something to tell you!" He says immediately and before I can open my mouth to say anything my dad comes up behind putting his free hand on my shoulder. "Is this Jadyn?" He was using his intimidating businessman voice. I nod feeling like a child.

"Hello, I'm Tony Tatton and I'm very grateful for what you have done for my son. We all know about you sticking by his side through it and the many visits and both me and my wife are once again very thankful" he nods to Jadyn who goes into a panic and just nods aggressively.

My father thinks nothing of it and turns to face Mylo who was stepping onto one of the sets to be higher than everyone else. "So let's start with the simple things. If we decide to continue filming this movie- I will be directing it. Leave if you like- I could care less. If there's any talk about the accident a few months ago- any at all. You're fired. I don't want excuses either. You're gone. Third, if we decide to keep going the character Stacy will be written as a friend they meet and helps North come out of his shell, she will have no significant part and there will be no relationship. Most of the romance will be cut out is everybody okay with that?" He asks getting nods.

Mylo hops off the platform and starts straight over to us. "Z, can we talk?" He asks and I nod, following him. "Do you want me-" Dad grabs my shoulder again and I turn back and shake my head slightly.

"I'm okay, it's Mylo- I trust him," I tell him honestly and he nods going back to pet Rajah and intimidate Jadyn. I still trust people, what the fuck. I just always trust the wrong people. I should have known, why didn't I see it ahead of time.

I saw the signs but I ignored them! Why!? Because I'm too trusting- I could have beat every fucking pipsqueak in that room, but I trusted they wouldn't hurt me so I let them take me down and I struggled for a month to even see clearly.

"Z? Do you want me to go get Jadyn or your dad?" Mylo asked and I knock myself out of my own world to look at him again. "Nope- sorry. Just was thinking about things" I admit wiping my cheeks clean of tears.

"I'm sorry- I really should do something more formal, apology-wise. For now, let's just focus on this" he fumbled with words and I nod. "It's your choice. Do we continue the movie or not? If you say no then I'll tell everybody that it was a mass majority that didn't want to, so don't worry about it" he tells me and I give him a thumbs-up before closing my eyes to think.

I think I already knew the answer. I didn't like it, that was for sure but I had an answer. This was the movie that was going to start lots of people's careers. There was tons of money and time spent on this film.

I couldn't be the reason these people all lose their minds or become depressed because they lost their chance. I also know somebody would probably find out it was me that decided whether or not we filmed and I would get lots of death threats. It's just not going to end well.

After this film, I think I'd like to stay out of the limelight for a bit because it's more trouble than it's worth. Plus I want to go farther with Damien so he doesn't leave me.

"You don't have to decide today, but sometime this month so I can tell all of them?" He looks back to the group of people, many were peeking over trying to guess what we were talking about. My dad was just being a riot and dancing with my cat.

"Let's just continue to film" I sigh and he opens his mouth immediately closing it again. "what? Are you sure?" He asks and I nod. "I'd hate to ruin this for everyone," I say simply and he shakes his head. "Dude all of us here are at fault for what happened to you, we didn't pay attention enough and didn't see some obvious signs- I'm just lucky someone heard you yelling and came to me. We're thankful you're not suing us all" he chuckles nervously.

"Just tell me when to be here for my next shift" I ignore him my mind telling me to take the high road. He sighs but goes to his clipboard. "Let's go back over then" he shrugs and I nod walking over with a serious face.

I just couldn't find it in me to smile at the moment. Petting my cat as Mylo climbed back onto his mini podium. "We will be continuing the filming of this movie" he throws his arms up as the room erupts into cheering.

I cover my ears my head running. Soon another set of hands goes over mine and I look to my Dad. Rajah was on the ground as Dad stood next to me in a protective stance. I'm the same height as him,but I swear I feel like a child whenever he does anything.

When it finally quiets down he lets go of me and I give him a thankful look. He nods and I look over to Jadyn was staring at Mylo nervously. "You had something to tell me?" I ask once people started to disperse.

"I don't really want to say it in front of... your dad" he gets even quieter and I look back to my father as he talks to his favorite child. "Dad can you go back to the car please" I toss him the keys which he catches with ease.

"Twenty minutes then I'm coming back in," he tells me and I send him a thumbs up. "Okay, what's up?" I ask and he bites his lip scrunching his face up. "So I've been getting closer with some guy-" I cut him off confuse. "Does Mylo know!?" I ask and he opens his mouth just to close it again.

"Being gay is hard" he sighs and I nod knowingly. "Well, you see Mylo is-" he's once again cut off but by Mylo this time. "So how'd I do Jay?" He asks kissing him. Jadyn goes frozen before turning into a flustered mess. "Great- you're great" he stammers and I smile.

"I did this- I created this" I point between the two proudly. Mylo chuckles as Jadyn looks away annoyed. "Is this what you were trying to tell me?" I ask and he nods. "Look at you go, a little less than a year ago you didn't even believe you were gay" I look up going through the memories.

It's cut short as the overthinking starts to hurt my brain. "Shut up" he huffs and I laugh while Mylo looks between us confused. "You didn't know you were gay!? I literally was giving you looks since day one and you gave me looks back!" He chuckles confused by Jadyn.

"Listen I can be stubborn- even with myself" he tries to save it but it wasn't going to work. "So how long have you been dating?" I ask actually excited about something. "Well about a month ago, when they told me I would become director- I realized that I made the rules so I can definitely date one of the actors" Mylo laughs and I give him a high-five while Jadyn continues to be his pouty self.

"A whole month and I'm just finding out now" I sigh to myself. "We didn't want to overwhelm you, and I wanted to tell you when I knew you were somewhat happy" Jadyn admits and I nod understanding. "I get it, thanks," I tell them and he gives me a thumbs up his eyes moving to the hand that wrapped itself around his side.

"Something tells me you guys are going to have a fun relationship" I laugh and they both nod. Mylo hurried to kiss him as Jadyn tries to swat him away. "Asshole" he mutters.

"You have fun with that I don't want my dad sending the military in here"

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