Chapter 10

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"Do you have everything?" I ask the man and he nods as somebody else takes his luggage. "Yes I'm fine I promise, I've never left the state though so this feels weird" he admits and I nod.

"Well we're going to be in Florida for two weeks, so are you sure you have enough clothes and are you sure your work is fine with this?" I sigh and he shifted to rub my shoulders looking me in the eyes.

"Breath, it's going to be okay" he assures me and I take in a deep breath, while he hugs me. "Mr. Tatton, the pilots are here and we're ready for departure when you are" one of Mum's assistants grabs my attention, I nod walking to the door that would lead outside. I groaned as I saw all the paparazzi and cars lined up.

Both of us were lazily dressed. "Actually screw this" I huff walking towards the assistant. "Any possible way you could get me like a bag or a blanket, something to cover my face," I ask and she nods hurrying away.

"What's going on?" Damien asked looking around. "Depends on what she brings back" I answer turning to wait for her. She returns a few minutes later with some paper bags. "We usually use them in case a client doesn't want to hold everything" she hands me two.

"Great" I turn and put one over Damiens's head before tearing holes for his eyes. "Can you see?" I ask and he nods. "They already know who I am but this seems like fun so I'm putting one on my head too" I laugh putting the bag over my head.

I grabbed onto Damiens's arm and he tears holes for my eyes too as I laugh. "This is cute, would you like a picture for your social medias sir?" She asked and I shrugged giving her my phone.

She goes to the camera and Damien puts his head down ashamed and I pat his back trying my hardest not to laugh.  She takes a few pictures of us, mostly me trying to get Damien to pose but he just stood like a board.

I looked through my phone taking the bag off momentarily. "How do you still look good with a bag on your head and no fun in your stance at all" I chuckle before putting my phone back in my pocket.

He grabs the bag and shoved it back onto my head, and I glare at him. "Okay we're ready" I huff and she nods opening the door for us. The lights flashed but I just laughed realizing how stupid we looked with bags on our heads.

They were screaming questions but I could hardly hear them. Security was doing a great job at keeping them back. I let Damien go up the stairs first, followed by Rajah, I was last giving the paparazzi a little wave before entering the plane.

The door was closed and the steps removed. I took off my bag and pulled Damiens off too. "Sit wherever," I tell him and he nods finding a seat. "Do you still have your hair tie?" I ask and he nods handing it to me. I watched my cat go to his little bed in the back.

Standing behind the man I pulled his black hair into a loose bun that rested on his neck, he still looked so attractive. Sitting next to him I buckle up as the attendant comes out. "We are departing, as soon as we get in the air at a stable level and the light goes off you may unbuckle, of course you already know this Mr. Tatton so I will spare you the details" she nods to me and I give her a thumbs-up as Damien buckles next to me.

"Would you like regular checkups or will you call us if needed?" She asked and I weigh my options. "I'll just call you if needed, thank you" she nods and disappears behind the door.

Damien stared out the window as we took off and I just admire him. I wonder what he would say if I asked him to be my real boyfriend. I wouldn't ask now because if he said no that would be awkward.

There's a ding and the light turns off, I quickly unbuckle and Damien copies my action. "Do you want something to drink?" I ask standing up. "I'm good, are you getting something?" He questions and I shake my head.

"Probably not, I'm just bored already" I sigh and he chuckles before reaching for me. I let him grab me and he pulls me into his lap. "Dude I'm pretty heavy," I tell him and he shakes his head.

"Are you okay with this?" He asked and I nodded resting my head back against the chair. He rubbed my thigh his other hand resting on the armrest as I brought out my phone. I opened it going to Instagram and my photos. I could feel Damien looking over my shoulder, so I looked up to him.

"Can I post one?" I ask and he nods kissing my temple. I felt like such a couple, it feels nice... really nice. I look through the photos and he chuckles at a few of them. I picked one that was him standing like a board. I had his arm and I was shaking him, pleading him to pose.

I captioned it with Hiding from paparazzi with this random stranger, that I don't know. Damien chuckles and I post it. I didn't even set my phone down as comments starting blowing up my phone.

I look through a few of them and chuckle. "Your name is Peter now," I tell him and he nods. "How original" he mumbles and I nod, going back to the comments. "You're either my boyfriend, my sex slave, long lost sibling, another celebrity, or... Henry" I stop after his name, and Damien squeezes my thigh. "That's your best friend right?" He asks and I nod.

"Am I going to meet him?" He asks and I turn back to him. "Hopefully not" I grumble and he nods. "Are you fighting?" He asked and I shrug. "Sort of?" I reply not wanting to get into it.

"Did he did something to you?" He pesters and I go back to reading comments. "They agree with me, you still look attractive with a bag on your head" I laugh. He shifts moving me as well.

"Darling, is Henry going to be there?" Damien continues and I shake my head. "I don't think so, he's trying to get all his fame back so he's probably off doing some commercial somewhere" I laugh and he looks out the window.

"Okay" he answers, while I go back to my phone. He looks over my shoulder again watching me. "Can I kiss you, Zach?" He asked and I put my phone down to look at him.

"Why?" I question him this time, and he moves his head to look at me better. "Because I like you and I want you to like me too," he says simply and my smile falters. He looks at me innocently and I sigh giving him a small kiss.

"Why? What makes you attracted to me. Is there any other reason you would want to be with me besides telling the world you fucked Zachary Tatton, or to get famous off of dating me" I look out the window and he sighs moving his arms to hug me.

"I don't know what he did to you, but I'm not like that" he whispers and I shake my head. "I don't know what you're talking about, nobody did anything" I huff and he just nods.  "Zachary I'm going through this whole scandal with you for a reason" he assures me and I stand from his lap.

"For fame? If it's because you like me why don't we just date for real?" I ask crossing my arms. "I just don't like dating- I wouldn't want to lose my job- it's complicated" he explains and I roll my eyes. "They wouldn't need to know we're really dating, but I see your answer is clear now. It's funny because for a minute I actually thought you might like me" I laugh at my own stupidity.

"I'll make sure to tell my dad to get you as much publicity as he can because I bet you'll just love it- then once you start to make fame you'll blackmail with all those stupid videos you forced me into!" I shout and his face softens.

"Zach, this isn't about me is it?" He whispers and I give him a hopeless look. He opens his arms for me and I go back over holding in a cry. "I didn't want to do it" I shake my head and he just holds me. "I'm not him, I'm not going to do anything to you" he whispers and I nod letting him kiss my head.

"I'm not going to force you to talk about it, but I need you to know I'm not him" he keeps his voice quiet and low. I stay still not believing I just slipped up and said that. What am I going to do now? Can I pay him to stay quiet?

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