Chapter 47

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"Damien you didn't have to come" I whisper moving a hand to his inner thigh. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I kissed his cheek. "Shhh I'm scared out of my mind right now, but we need to prove them wrong" he whispers and I sigh rubbing my hand up his chest.

"Well you look amazing" I hum pursing my lips. He quickly kisses me before looking to the tiny TV playing live footage of the red carpet for the movie's premiere.

I search for the remote and turn it up. "It looks like our star Zacahry Tatton has shown up. Will his plus one be his furry friend Rajah?" She asks looking over to the car. I chuckle as Damien starts to panic trying clean his already perfect self up.

The limo stops and I make my way out of the door as it opens. Ducking I step out putting my hand back for Damien who takes it unsure. Helping him out the cameras begin flashing even more, if that's even possible, as the fans that shipped us screamed and the reporters blasted us with question.

I start to walk hand in hand with Damien. Smiling and waving to people. My lover squeezes my hand, and I look up to him seeing he was forcing his head down to stop himself from panicking.

I step in front of him not caring about the world. Pointing at him before pointing at my face. "look at me- only me" I whisper, kissing him gently. He nods and focuses on me as I grab both his hands and walk backwards. His head still low as a few strands of hair fell over his face completely.

There was lots of people screaming and yelling at us but at the moment I wasn't worried about them. Once we finally got into the safety of the theater I hugged Damien. Knowing there were only a few reporters allowed in here.

"You did so good- thank you" I kiss him again and he hugs me burying his head into my neck. "That's so scary" he breathes out and I nod rubbing his back.

"Let's go to the bathroom first, so we can make sure you're okay- without people watching and eavesdropping" I mumble quietly and he nods immediately looking for one. Just wanting to escape.

I lead him into one. Checking to make sure nobody was in there before locking the door. Feeling no guilt. He goes to the sink and washes his face attempting to pat it dry with the towel.

I rub his shoulder and he takes a deep breath. "That was so many people" he whispers gripping the counter. "Do you want to go home- we can go home" I remind him. "No. I'm okay- it was just a lot of people and they took lots of pictures. What if they seen my scar?" He asks looking back to the mirror to cover it some more.

I grab his shoudler and whip him around. Using my hand I move some hair out of the way. Kissing his beautiful scar before kissing his lips. I pull back and he takes a deep breath as I flatten his hair over the insecurity.

"If they seen your scar- I'll deal with them. Even though your scar is beautiful" I remind him rubbing his collarbone. "Mmm... okay. I got this" he whispered my other hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yes you do" I chuckle. "Why are you so nice to me?" He asks suddenly looking to me with an innocent look. "Why wouldn't I be?" I laugh checking my hair in the mirror.

"I hurt you and yet you act the same around me as if it never happened a few weeks ago" he brings it up again and I squeeze his shoudler. "I like to pretend it didn't happen. You're with me now and I don't want to lose you again" I explain. Keeping it simple.

"Nothing is taking me from you again" he sighs content and I nod kissing those beautiful lips of his. "I'm not letting anyone or anybody take you away from me without a fight" I murmur grabbing his hand.

"Okay" he takes a deep breath before continuing. "I'm ready now" I nod holding his hand as we leave the bathroom. Immediately an usher finds us, and takes the two of us into the theater. Front row seats.

"Do you want anything to drink or eat?" I ask still holding his hand. "Um.... is this like really fancy or what kind of stuff can I get?" He leans over to whisper at me.  "You can get whatever you want. They pretty much do anything they can to satisfy us." I explain having been too a few of these now. Never for a movie I was a lead in though.

"Okay... can you help me?" He asks hesitantly and I nod. "Mhmm" I hum trying to think of something he would like. "We can get smoothies. Watermelon Mojito" I suggest getting a surprised look. "You remembered?" He asks and I laughed.

"Of course. You'd always make me take a sip even though I said I didn't like it- even though I did I just didn't want to admit your smoothie was better than mine" I chuckle quietly as more and more people find their seats.

"I told you it was good" he shoots back and I nod. "Screw fancy shit, want to just share some Buffalo wings and get the smoothies. We can ask for tons of napkins" I suggest and he nods. "Sure" he laughs as I look around catching the attention of a server waiting to take someone's order.

She comes overs and immediately has her notepad ready as I sit back down. "Can we just have some Buffalo wings, and two Watermelon Mojito smoothies?" I order and she nods. "Yes, twenty piece fine?" She starts to go over her list as I nod.

"And sauce?" She continues while Damien plays with the rings on my fingers. "Is barbecue sauce fine with you?" I ask and he nods. "Barbecue" I look up to her getting a smile. "Anything else, I can get for you?" She asks.

"Just lots of napkins please" I chuckle, she nods scribbling that down as well. "It will be back out here before the movie begins Mr. Tatton" as she says my name I believe she writes it down on the paper to remember.

Two people walk by her and I smile recognizing Mylo and Jadyn all dressed up. Mylo had a hand on Jadyn's ass who seemed more comfortable with the whole PDA thing. I chuckle quietly to myself as they spotted us and Jadyn quickly ran over excited. Mylo slowly making his way over here.

My friend sat next to me and we immediately started to talk as Mylo sat next to Jadyn grabbing his hand. "This is going to be so embarrassing" I look back to my boyfriend who was still looking around anxiously twirling my ring around my finger.

"Why?" He asks giving me a sad and unsure look. "Because the movie is cheesy- and it's me. So it's weird. I just feel like it's weird for you to see me up there" I point to the screen and he shakes his head. "I'm pretty excited to see the finishing touches to the project that you've been working so hard on. That we both made many memories with" he whispers and I grin leaning over the arm rest to get closer and share another kiss.

"Zach there's a lot of people around" he whispers as I pull away his hand staying on my cheek. "I'm sorry, no more kisses in here" I rub his arm and he nods. "Thanks... I'm sorry" he apologizes and I shake my head. "Hey it's fine" I reassure him and he nods before moving over to whisper in my ear.

"We can kiss when the lights go off if you'd like" he tells me and I nod. "Okay, just a few" I joke and he nods smiling again. I look back to Jadyn and Damien immediately grabs my hand playing with my rings again sliding one off just to move it to another finger. I smile at his antics. It calmed him down so I really didn't mind.

"Are you guys getting something to eat or drink?" I ask trying to make conversation. "Probably- if so we better hurry" Jadyn looks back to Mylo who was about shaking in his seat this was his first big production as a director. It was his first production as a director.

"Mylo- let me get you some water or something- I can't have you passing out" Jadyn noticed his panicking state and immediately starts to fan him.

I chuckle and go back to my boyfriend. "Having fun?" I ask and he looks up from the rings with a shy expression. "Sorry" he whispers and I shake my head. "Don't be it's adorable" I whisper and he smiles. I can't believe I ever thought he was scary.

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