Chapter 13

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"We know that you were having a hard week, we're thankful that it got better, but we have a surprise for you anyways" I eye my parents suspiciously as I walk over and hug Damien from behind.

I was over being mad at the big teddy bear. He looks back at me with apologetic eyes and I just move a hand to rub his back. "It's okay, we just had a little argument. You don't need to get me anything- I feel more spoiled than I already am" I laugh and they shrug.

"Either way we thought you'd like this" dad smiles and I nod. "Where's Rajah?" I ask and Dad scratches his neck sheepishly. "I may or not have taken him to his room?" Dad answers and I narrow my eyes.

"You made him a room!?" I groan getting the others to laugh. "He's my son he needs a room- it's neglect if I don't have a room for him" dad tries to explain as I roll my eyes.

There's a knock on the door as my mom opens her eyes, giggling as she went to the door. "The surprise is here!" She yells and dad lets out a breath of relief knowing he got out of me yelling at him for building my cat a damn room!

I start to go to my mom, but stop when she opens the door. A blonde hair boy walked in, his skin still tan- obviously a spray tan. Yet he tells people it's all-natural from constantly being in the sun. I take a step back tumbling into Damien.

He looks down at me worried as my cat comes down the steps from his room. He rubs up against my leg and I bend over to pick him up. "Hello mother, Tony" he hugs mum before going to shake my dad's hand.

"Hello, Henry" Dad answers and that's when Damien grabs the back of my shirt. "Z! I've missed you!" Henry shouts starting to come over. Immediately Rajah gets fussy and starts hissing and scratching.

"Sorry I'll go put him away" I get out of there quickly before putting the cat in my room he bolts for the door but I shut it just in time. "Rajah, calm down" I look at the cat who was now on edge.

Sneaking out of the room, I listened to his angry meows. They got quieter as I made it to the living room. "Sorry, he's just been really ornery lately" I make up an excuse going to hug Henry.

"It's all good I've missed you though" he lies, hugging me tightly. "Yeah for real" I laugh backing away. "Anyways Henry this is my boyfriend Damien, Damien this is my best friend Henry" I introduce the two.

They quickly eye each other but don't shake hands. "Why don't you and I catch up for a bit" Henry comes over putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Your room?" He asked and I cringed at the words. "Sure" I answer and he leads the way. "There like teen girls gossiping" dad joked. I ignore it.

As soon as the door opens Rajah bolted out of the door completely missing Henry. By the time he was running back to save the day Henry had already shut the door.

"I'm not scared to beat the shit out of you now, your petty insults aren't going to get to me" I cross my arms and he pulls out his phone scrolling through something.

He clicks a button and shows me the screen. "A little bit of editing and nobody will even know that it's me. Just you getting railed by some random guy. It's even better now because you have a boyfriend- I bet he would love to see these videos. We'd also have to edit out the parts of you crying sadly, those are my favorites by the way. When you beg me to stop" he mocks me.

I snatch the phone from his hand quickly deleting the video. "Do you really think I wouldn't save them in other places" he laughs and I cringe.

"What do you want Henry" I sigh just sitting at this point. "I want you to move back, dump your boy toy and become mine- you don't deserve anybody else. Only I love you. Don't you remember, it was only me" he repeats the same words.

"You actual piece of shit! I'm not dealing with this- I'm not some helpless man anymore" I shout throwing his phone onto the ground. He stares at it pissed off.

"What're you going to do? I have the videos- you can't hurt me or they are going out" I cut him off with a punch to the face. "Well if you don't leave this room, then I guess the videos will never be sent out" I spit in his face.

He was beyond pissed. I've always been stronger than him. He just broke me down so much I believed I was weaker than him. I believed I was worthless and deserved the punishments he gave me.

"You asshole" I shout while he stands swinging a fist at me. He connects it to my jaw and I quickly knee him in the gut. "I believed you! I believed you loved me even after you beat me! Even after you raped me countless times! You'd come home with other men and women and I still believed you loved me" I shout kicking him down to the floor.

"You can't kill me so either way you fucking screwed yourself!" He stands back up only for me to punch him again. The door flies open and my mom gasps as somebody grabs me and pulls me away. I found out that was Damien as dad pulled Henry away from me.

"I want you out of my house" dad shouts. I rip myself away from Damien to guard the door. "He can't leave- please don't let him leave" I beg and dad quickly grabs him again.

"He has videos of me- he did things. I can't let those videos get out" I cry and there's a loud slap as my mother slaps Henry across the face. "You fucking monster- I'm calling the police" she wipes her eyes and leaves the room pulling out her phone.

"I did nothing! He forced me into the videos!" Henry shouts as I stare back at him shocked. "I don't even have them, they're all with you!" I cried.

Rajah sees the open door and runs in himself jumping for Henry, claws out. I stare wide-eyed at my usually calm cat as he tries to scratch Henry's eyes out.

Dad bit his lip trying not to laugh as I grabbed Rajah and started for the door. "I can't believe I trusted you" dad mutters before slamming Henry to the ground getting a groan of pain from him.

I let Rajah down after Damien closed the door. My mother came running back hugging me. "Baby why didn't you tell us, I'm so sorry- I can't believe he- I made you guys go on that trip together that one time" she breaks down into tears as I hang my head ashamed.

"I didn't want you guys to know, I'm such a disappointment- I'm sorry" I apologize and she shakes her head kissing my cheeks. "Momma is going to take care of all of this, Damien down that hall the third door on the right is a guest bedroom- please take him there" she turns to him before going to the door.

"If they aren't here in two minutes I'm calling the fucking military" she was beyond pissed. Damien led me away and I laid on the bed as he closed the door. "I'm sorry" I apologize wiping my eyes.

"I wasn't going to allow him to use me again, especially because I actually like someone now" I let out a pathetic chuckle. He silently comes over and pulls me into his embrace. "He's not going to hurt you anymore- you showed him how powerful you really are" he whispers kissing my temple.

I was hyperventilating without realizing it. As soon as I did I suck in a deep breath. "There you go, breathe darling" he whispers and I nod. Taking in a deep nose breath, I held it before gasping from my mouth.

I'm a grown man I shouldn't cry. I didn't listen to my brain as I turned into Damien and cried. "I would never do that to you" he mumbles rubbing my back.

"Yeah, but you'll never love me either" I laugh sadly and he freezes. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that" I hiccup burying my head into his chest.

"If you can prove to me that you won't leave me for another person, I'll date you" he sighs and I grab his shirt forcing myself to look at him. "You will!?" I asked hugging him tightly.

"Thank you, thank you" I cry and he chuckles kissing my head.

"Anything for you"

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