Chapter 36

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"Don't worry we are going to settle this all now" I breathe out before making my way across the studio. I wonder why he wanted to meet over here? I look around before opening the door to one of the prop rooms.

It was pretty much cleaned up and just had an extra bed and some furniture. It just looked like a cheap hotel room, if I'm being honest. "Zachary" the director pops up from the side and stops my staring to look over at him.

"Hey... can we do this meeting out there?" I ask starting to feel uncomfortable. Usually, these rooms are full of clutter. "It's going to be quick I promise" he takes my shoulder and guided me to the center of the room.

"I mean yeah I guess. I'm not doing the sex scene" I remind him and he nods. "You see my friend, that's where your wrong" my smile drops as I look at him confused. He snaps his finger before moving to the wall. "Go ahead" he mutters and I go towards the door but don't make it as multiple bodies are thrown onto me pulling me down.

I slam my head onto the frame as the click of the lock rings in my ears. "Shit- you're going to kill him!" Somebody hisses and I try to stand now incredibly dazed. I manage to shrug someone off and bring my hand back to touch the back of my head.

That's when a dirty blonde stands from behind a dresser in the corner and moves in front of me. There were two of her and I reach out trying to grab her and see if she was real. She grabs my cheeks and my eyes focus.

"Valerie?" I ask but it comes out sort of like a croak. She nods smiling. "Help me" I mutter and she pushes me over, I reach for something with wide eyes but land onto the bed. "Everybody else move offset!" The director yells and tries to sit up again. Valerie starts to come over when suddenly there's a red flashing light.

I look over to it and immediately my heart stops. The camera. No, not a camera not again. She straddles me and kisses me as I force myself to look away from the camera.

"Please don't record it, not again" I broke down and she continued to kiss me, wiping my tears away. Her mouth trialing down to my neck as her hips flicked forward. My eyes flickered over to the camera again and I went paralyzed breathing heavily.

"Stop- stop!" I shout my body refusing to move. I saw the camera and everything was shut down. She looks over to the director worried. "Are we going to be able to use any of thsi?" She asks and he nods. "Editing!" He adds and she nods lifting my shirt over and off of me.

I struggled to keep it on but she ultimately won. My vision was still fuzzy and blurred and the camera... I couldn't do it. I don't know why. I- my body just wouldn't work.

"Please not again! I said it wouldn't happen again!" I shout thrashing upwards. Valerie is flown off of me but she immediately comes back playing with the hem of my pants. "North, it's okay this is normal" she improvised and I turn my head to the side and cry staring at the wallpaper of the room. The awful design. Something to keep me distracted as she stripped me of my clothing.

She takes her own clothes off before laying on top of me her mouth leaving trails up and down my body, while her hands explored everywhere else. "Help me! This isn't right! I don't want to do this! I haven't done anything bad. It was only suppose to be when I was bad!" I remind him... he's not here. I thought I was over it.

Henry. The camera. I suck in a breath my chest lifting rapidly. I can't breathe. I choke on air as Valerie moves around starting to get ready for the actual sex.

I reach forward trying to sit up again but she pushes me back down causing me to choke on what little air I was getting.

There's a loud slam as I bring a hand to my throat trying to force myself to stay awake. "What the fuck!" A familiar voice shouts and I try to look over but just continue to cry. My other hand going to my head that I'm pretty sure was bleeding and I just missed it the first time.

I could smell it. It was all I could smell. "Somebody get an ambulance now! And the police!" The voice yells as more people enter the room. "Don't let any of them out of your sight!" He instructs and Valerie scrambles to get away but trips off of me getting dragged.

There's something thrown over some of my body as the guy comes over to me lifting my head. He put something against the wound from earlier and I let my eyes flutter shut, heaving desperately for air.

"Breath Z gotta breathe. I won't let them get away with this" he whispers pressing against my chest. I gulp trying my hardest to breathe. "Think of something that makes you happy" he whispers. I thought of Damien. "Do you have it?" He asks and I nod limply.

"I want you to breath each letter just like this" he explains taking a deep breath and basically sighing the letters J-A-Y. "D-" you couldn't even tell which letters I was exactly doing I just gave up and exhaled six times.

"Good, now do it again but when you breath in breathes through your nose" he explains and I nod tears in my eyes. I did it and finally was able to get a normal breath in. Just to immediately start choking on my tears and saliva.

He helped me through that before moving to rub my shoulder. "Hey, do you want Jadyn to come in here and wait with you," he asks and my face scrunched up again into the face of me trying to hide my tears. I bite my lip and nod.

The blurred man nods and turns back to call for him I assume, but for some reason I couldn't hear it. Another person looks over me and a hand reaches over to my other shoulder rubbing it. I let off a little smile only being able to tell it was Jadyn because of his bony fingers.

"Hey bro, I don't really know what to say- I should. I'm going to be here the whole time. We'll go in the ambulance together okay?" He tells me and I nod reaching for him.

He gives me his hand and I squeeze it. Looking the other way so the tears could fall. I'm such a coward. Why couldn't I do anything? I looked back over to the camera to see it had been kicked or pushed to the floor.

"Okay Z, I'm calling your parents is that okay?" He asks and I nod. "Can I call Damien too?" He continues and I nod again. I close my eyes my head starting to hurt from how blurry everything was. "Stay awake Z" Jadyn's voice sticks out and I force my eyes open as the other figure leaves, phone to his ear.

More people rush in and suddenly I'm moving around. "I'm going with you guys," Jadyn tells them as I reach my hand out for him. "That's fine kid, but he's lost lots of blood we need to get him into the ambulance now before the damage is permanent" she explains and suddenly a mask is put over my mouth and nose.

I take a deep breath of air, surprised by how much easier it was. My eyes widen but then shut as the doors are flung open and the sun blinds me.

Jadyn runs over and grabs my hand as cameras flash and people try to block them. I close my eyes only for me to get told to open them again. I do that and look over to Jadyn who was saying stuff, or I think he was because his mouth was moving. I couldn't hear anything and I was just so tired.

I saw the flashing lights and saw some people being escorted into police cars but they were all blurred. Suddenly the warmth of Jadyn is gone and I'm pulled up and into the vehicle, I'm strapped in, only to be poked and questioned.

I couldn't answer and my vision was only becoming worse but I still search to find Jadyn my eyes wide and panicking. I frantically moved my hand around the edge looking for him. The tears brimming in my eyes again. I was scared. I'm so scared. He said he wouldn't leave.

Finally, as the vehicle starts up and begins to move his warm hand finds mine and I visibly relax letting out a deep breath. I close my eyes exhausted and for once they don't tell me to open them.

"I'm not leaving you"

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