Chapter 20

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"You know I could have driven myself if you would have just told me where we are going" I laugh as he leads me towards his car. I wave to Rajah who was watching us out the window.

He curled up on the window seal enjoying the heat of the sun. Damien opens the passenger side door and I got in, leading to him closing it behind me. "Such a gentlemen" I chuckle as he gets into the driver's side.

"Just for you darling", he looks back, backing out of the spot before pulling out of the parking lot completely. "So where are we going?" I ask again. He smiles moving a hand to my leg.

"You'll see" he answers and I pout looking out the window before looking back at him. I place my hand over his and he smiles turning down another street.

"Can I know where we are going now?" I ask again and he squeezes my thigh. "be patient, it's nothing special and it's not that far" he repeats. I nod running my hand up and down his arm.

Opening my phone, I go to the camera. Holding it open I smile into the camera making sure to get Damien's focused face in it as well. "Lovely boyfriend" I call and he looks over at me for a second, just enough to get a great picture of us.

He shakes his head with a smile and continues to drive as I look through the pictures. Damien rubs his thumb into my thigh and I close my eyes. Finally I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers instead.

"You okay?" He asked and I squeezed his hand. "Yes. I just. Nothing" I give up and he nods bringing our hands to his mouth, to kiss mine lightly.

"Well here we are" he hums and I look up to find the zoo entrance. "The zoo?" I ask and he nods happily. "Is that okay?" He goes timid suddenly, getting nervous. "Of course it's okay" I laugh and he nods pulling into one of the parking spots.

As soon as the car is in the park I unbuckle and lean over kissing his cheek. Damien smiles and unbuckles as well. Both of us get out of the car and I grab my wallet and phone.

"You don't need that" he clicks his tongue and I shake my head. "You're not paying for me," I say bluntly and he shakes his head. "Today darling, today I'm buying" Damien locks his car before grabbing my hand.

We both walk to the front where he pays for us both. "Let's start over here" my lovely boyfriend pulls me along to the side and I follow squeezing his hand again. "Awe look at the little otters you can't tell me they aren't cute" I look to the small things.

"Very cute" he hums and I look at him only to find him staring at me. "You can't just watch me the whole time. We are here to look at adorable animals" I joke and he puffs out his lips.

"Actually I'm here to spend time with you" he corrects me and I roll my eyes, but grab his hands. "Well then- let's move onto the next exhibit before I kiss you" I tease and he pushes a piece of hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear.

"There's Rajah" Damien laughs and I look over to the next exhibit. "Oh yeah must be his siblings" I lean against the glass and look into the exhibit. Just to turn back around when Damien doesn't join me. He had his phone up and I reach for him.

Damien smiles putting his phone down, and walking over to me. I look over to the sign and point to each tiger. "so that one is Tony and that one is Clawdia" I look back over at him and he nods putting his arm around my waist. "And the babies?" He waits looking over to the corner.

I lean over to the sign before back at the babies rolling around with each other. "Kenzo and Kenji... twins," I tell him getting a nod. "Adorable" he laughs as one of them jumps over the other causing them both to tumble.

"Rajah would fit in well with them," I deem, proud of my ferocious tiger at home.. "He'd definitely rule this area" I motion to the enclosure. There's a loud yawn from the animals behind us and I smile pulling Damien over.

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