Bonus Chapter ||

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"And here we have the famous Tatton family!" The reporter could be heard before we had even stepped onto the red carpet. I smiled at the flashing camera.

Damien gave them his shy smile so I wrapped my arm around his waist as Jasmine stood next to us. She put a hand on her hip and smiled at the camera. At her feet her cat Mushu. He was a ginger cat that she had named after the dragon in Mulan.

After Rajah passed two years ago we got Mushu soon after and the two instantly clicked. It would never be the same without him and sometimes I still have breakdowns about how much I miss him, but I know it will be okay.

Now 17, Jasmine was thriving in the industry. She posed and I put my hand on Damien's chest going to kiss him. We walked farther down and that's where the questions began.

I wore a dark blue and black suit. Damien's was black besides his blue tie. We had gotten Jasmine's hair redone with some braids. Her dress was a tighter blue one that trailed behind her just a bit. She of course accessorized it the way she wanted. Mushu wearing a blue bow tie.

"The family is stunning as always" the reporter continues as they move forward. "Zachary! How does it feel knowing your daughter is so famous!?" Someone shouts and she looks over at me waiting to hear my answer.

"I'm proud of her for doing so well at something she likes. If she would have decided to live a normal life I would have been just as proud of her. Her being famous makes no difference to me" I answer watching her smile and look the other way embarrassed, but happy with my answer.

"Jasmine! How did it feel being the bad guy in this movie?" Somebody asked and she looked up with a bright smile. "It was thrilling having something new to do- I was told I was pretty good at being a... well bully." She laughs at herself as me and Damien watch her knowing foul language was about to come out of her mouth.

"She'd be an asshole on set and then as soon as the cameras were off she's asking if anybody wants snacks" Tyler comes out of nowhere grabbing Jaz's shoulders.

I groan watching them share a quick peck. Damien chuckles giving Tyler a wave. Tyler has black hair pulled into a small ponytail at the top of their head, bangs still framing their face. Their eyes green and vibrant. Pale compared to the rest of us they still matched with the blue theme.

Their hand went around Jasmine's waist and cameras clicked once again. I copied and did the same thing with Damien again as we all stood next to each other waiting for more questions.

"Jasmine how'd it feel filming a movie with your girlfriend!?" Somebody asked. Damien huffed and I rubbed his back trying to relax him. "Want to skip questions we can leave?" I offer but he shakes his head.

"She likes when I'm here" he smiles and I nod giving him another kiss. His hair was completely pulled back revealing a scar he had once been insecure about.

I went back to Jasmine as she stared at Tyler with an uncertain face. Tyler's usual goofy smiled faltered as the reporter called them a girl once again.

"First Tyler goes by-" this man has the audacity to cut my daughter off. Damien squeezed my hand, his eyebrows furrowing as he stared harshly at them. His softness gone.

"Nobody really uses those terms it's nonsense really, just answer the question" he waves her off like it's some normal thing. Acting like everybody thought that way.

I watched as Tyler's heart broke you could just tell from their facial expressions and the look in their eyes. We've known them since Jaz and them were 12. I was working with Tyler's mom.

"I enjoy working with my partner- we get extra time together and it's fun. I didn't enjoy having to cuss them out and stuff, but it was still a nice experience" Jasmine continues to look at them with worry as Tyler stared off into space. Their fingers playing with their earrings.

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