Chapter 4

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There's loud knocking on the door and I wake up from my comfortable sleeping spot on the couch. "Rajah- I need protection" I hide and the cat just stays asleep as I tiptoe my way from the couch, still in my boxers.

I look at the security camera in to the wall just to panic more. "Fuckkkkkkk" I drag it out running to grab the sweats that were thrown on the counter from my meltdown. I don't know what's been happening but the last month has been shit.

I scurry to throw away the now empty tub of ice cream cringing at myself for actually buying and eating it. Sliding back over to the door, I open it. "Mom... Dad... what a nice surprise" I smile getting pulled into a hug.

"What took you so long!" She scolds me slapping my chest before waltzing her way in. "I- I was naked" I technically, sort of tell the truth. "Why were you naked? Is Damien here? Were you-" I quickly cut her off. "No mom! I just was in the shower" I lie and she looks me up and down.

"You better have not been napping- it's five in the afternoon" she reminds me and my eyes go wide. I just wanted a small nap. "Where's your cat- I just came for your cat" Dad closes the door and makes his way over to Rajah when he sees him.

"As I said before I was showering" I assure her and she nods eyeing me suspiciously. "Are you sure you're not depressed?" She asks and my dad stifles a laugh. "Mom!" I shout and she throws her arms up. "I'm sorry I'm worried! Now when's Damien going to be home" she asked sitting next to my father.

Rajah was loving the attention and I was so jealous of him. "I'm not sure, how long are you staying?" I ask her a question and she taps her chin thinking about it. God I love my mom- but for Pete's sakes women.

"I just wanted to see my little boy... we'll leave right away tomorrow morning" she blinks innocently. "Was that your way of asking if you can spend the night?" I chuckle and she nods as my dad finally joins the conversation. "What? I thought we were just staying for a few minutes!" He shouts and she smiles at him.

"I lied... it's fine don't worry" she waves him off and I frantically go to my phone. Searching a website into my phone. I fumble my way through calling the business line. After a few rings, somebody picks up.

"Uh hello? Is Damien Royce busy? If not can I talk to him please?" I ask praying on the inside. Mom and dad stopped their little catfight at the mention of his name and mom was clapping giddily.

"Give me one second to check" the man answers and I bite my cheek. "Okay" I reply nervously. A few minutes go by and the voice comes back. "Here he is" I suck in a deep breath as the phone is given to him. "Hello?" He breaths into the phone and I suddenly feel extremely nervous.

"It's Zachary, my parents are visiting and wondering when you're getting home" please remember me! Please remember me! It's silent for a minute and I look at my parents with a smile before turning around so I didn't have to face them.

"Oh- um... let me write down your address," I think he remembers me! "Well, that's silly, just search it up" I laugh realizing I can't actually tell him in front of them. I hope that didn't sound rude.

"Right your famous and they're in the room" he gets it and I sigh in relief. "Okay, I'm looking it up now and- it's the big house, number three?" He asks and I smile this might actually work. "Yup" I answer. "I'll be over in thirty minutes- wait do you need me to stay the whole night?" I chuckle before answering.

"You are literally perfect, asking just the right questions, yes please" I answer and I could hear his chuckle on the other end. "I'll see you soon Zach" he breathes into the phone before hanging up. Zach? I haven't been called that one in a while.

"Damien will be home in thirtyish minutes" I smile as Rajah comes to rub up against my leg. "Great, I like that boy" Dad stands from the couch going to take his shoes off and mom follows.

"I really hope he'll model for us" mom sighs and I shake my head. "Do you need me to cook you guys dinner or did you eat?" I ask and mum hurried back over to me. "No dear let me cook dinner- like old times when you lived with us!" She smiles and I shake my head before kissing her head.

"I'm sorry mum I'll try to visit more" I sigh and she hugs me. "Your newest photoshoot looks good!" Dad shouts going through some magazine I was in.

"Thanks" I shout back to him and mom starts bustling around in the kitchen. "You guys know where the guest room is, correct?" I ask both getting nods.

I cleaned out Rajah's water bowl and filled up his food and he jumped off of his cat tree running over to get some water. When I was done the panic was starting to set. He was coming to my house and spending the night.

My crush, who quite literally doesn't know I exist is coming over. Ugh. I've been having a mental breakdown for the last month because of him, possibly longer.

Running to my room, I throw on a band shirt and change into a pair of jeans. Going to the bathroom I looked exhausted. Washing my face, I ruffle my hair a bit, putting my earrings in, to add some sort of bling.

"Should I brush my teeth?" I hit my face a few times to wake myself up. "No- stop. We hate people. I am a cat person only" I remind myself. "Front door open" the system goes off since I didn't open the door from the inside and I rush over to stop it.

"Sorry, darling- I forgot my key" he makes something up on spot and I close the damn door behind him. "It's fine- your key is in our room... I found it this morning after you left" I continued going with it as mom comes running from the kitchen.

"I wouldn't have gone in today if I would have known your parents were coming over" he chuckles pulling me into a hug. I hug back trying to stop my face from going red. It became easier when I reminded myself of all the other people he went out with.

"I didn't know either" I laugh and he surprised me with a small peck. "Well thanks for calling" he hums turning to my parents. I let go of him and he goes over to my mother first. "Nice to see you again Nancy" he greets her and she immediately hugs him.

"You too, my hot son-in-law, who would make a great model" way to not beat around the bush mum. "You as well Tony" he puts his hand out for my dad who happily shakes it.

"Yes I'm happy to know you and my son have such a strong relationship" he smiles before running a hand through his gelled back hair. For his age, he still has really nice hair. It was nothing compared to Damiens. I wish I could just run my hands through it.

Fuck! Focus. Something brushes against my leg and I jump back. "Christ! Rajah!" I shout before leaning over to grab the cat. He meows and I scratch his head.

"Dinner!" Mom yells and runs back into the kitchen. "Tony dear- come help me" mum shouts and with a groan and a pleading look to me he trudges to the kitchen.

I set Rajah down and Damien walks over to me before squatting down to look at the cat. "Rajah?" He asks and I nod. He squatted down, reaching out for the cat, who quickly sniffs him before nuzzling his head into his hand.

"Well aren't you a handsome little guy" he chuckles and the cat flops onto his side letting him scratch his tummy. "Isn't that an animal in one of the Disney movies" he looks up to me and I purse my lips.

"I have a Disney obsession" I explain and he nods standing up. "By the way, it's Jasmine's tiger in Aladdin" I couldn't help but correct him. "Right" he chuckles. "Anyway should we talk about pay?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Let's do that tomorrow, can't risk your parents hearing" he whispers.

"Okay" I nod enjoying the closeness between us. His skin was just so tan and flawless. He smirks before turning away and towards the kitchen.

"Want any help, Nancy?" He shouts and I follow behind them. "Oh yes, I would love the help!" Mum cheers and I freeze in my tracks.

He kissed me again. I didn't sign a contract. I can't he's killing me. Does he know he's doing this to me? Is he doing this on purpose? Damn it I hate people.

Squatting down I look to my cat and pet his head. "I don't want this Rajah"

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