Chapter 14

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"We aren't doing any lawsuits because then the news would find out somethings going on between you two, but we will be fighting to get him imprisoned for as long as we can. I'm so sorry this happen" mom continues to ramble as she walks us to the plane.

"Mom... I'd rather just forget so if we could just stop talking about it- that would be great" I sigh and she nods hugging me. "Dad you need to let go of Rajah" I continue and he scowls but lets the cat go.

Rajah runs up the steps of the jet and I laugh before hugging my parents. "We won't let any copy of anything get out, I love you son" dad kisses my head and I nod. "Thanks, dad" I whisper hugging him.

The rest of the week has been my parents going in and out of grief. They were kisses to the point you thought the end of the world was coming to suddenly them crying onto my shoulder.

I was beyond happy. This nightmare of waking up and not knowing if today would be the day he posts the videos or not was gone. "You tell me if anybody ever stares at you too long, I'll have their hands cut off" mum kisses me a billion times.

"Damien I swear to god if you ever do anything-" I quickly cut her off. "Don't get mad at the teddy bear" I huff and mum's face softens. "I'm sorry, I'm just stressed and upset" she copies my huff, coming over to hug him.

"It's okay, I'm sorry I didn't help more with the matter" he sighs and she just squeezes him. Dad hugs Damien as well before they finally let us go. "I love you!" Mum yells. I let Damien go up the steps first. "I love you too!" I shout before they are told and ushered to leave the premises for safety reasons.

Mom quickly slaps the man's hand off of her as my dad shakes his head into his hands. She looks the worker up and down and walks back into the building, my dad waving to me before following.

They take the steps and close the door. After a few minutes, I get buckled and wait for the attendant. "Would you like check-ins or no?" He asked and I shake my head. "No check-ins," I say the same as usual and he nods before leaving.

Damien buckled up as the plane started to move and immediately went to look out the window again. Once we were steady in the air and the light turned off I unbuckled and stood. "Can I?" I ask pointing to his lap.

He unbuckled and put his arms out for me. "So teddy bear?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes, now tell me what I can do to prove to you I won't leave?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"Darling, I don't think we should be talking about this right now? Last week was pretty rough" he mumbles and I shake my head. "I'm happy to have the problem gone, if anything I want a distraction from it" I run my hand over his shoulder and he watches me patiently.

"Are you trying to hint at something?" He asked and I turned in his lap completely. My legs on either side of him. "Maybe" I whisper kissing his cheek. "Why?" He asks and I sit down more.

"Because I'm celebrating I'm free. I love you, I'm bored, I want you to be with me, and it's how I'm dealing with my trauma" I admit and he blushes looking the other way. "Our first time is not going to be on a jet," he tells me, causing me to pout.

"Okay fine" I huff and he smiles putting his arms around me. "We can kiss if you would like that?" He says calmly and I bite my lip before nodding. Leaning forward I kiss him. He was so calm and gentle about it.

I smiled as he rubbed his hands up and down my sides. I lick the bottom of his lip and he opened his mouth for me. Letting my tongue explore his mouth before fighting with his. I won and he squeezed my hips making me groan.

Damien pulled back to breathe so I kissed his jaw one hand playing with his hair. "Can I leave a mark?" I ask running my hand over his neck. "As long as it's not in a noticeable spot. I still have work" he tells me and I groan at the mention of his work.

He chuckles but I start to unzip his sweatshirt anyways moving it off of his shoulders. I move his shirt out of the way and kiss his collarbone. "Can I do it there?" I ask putting my thumb on the spot.

"Perfect" he purses his lips and I give him a quick peck before leaving a trail of kisses down his neck. Until I got to the hidden spot. I kissed it a few times before nibbling on the spot.

He grabbed at my sides and I smiled before sucking on the spot. I had to move his hair out of the way multiple times. Damien let his head hang to the side, his eyes closed.

I swirled my tongue around the spot a few times before taking my lips off with a pop. Pressing the spot with my thumb, getting him to groan. "Sensitive, Zach. It's sensitive" he reminds me and I nod continuing to press on it.

"I know that's why I'm doing it" I mumble before going back to kiss him. He smiles and I pull away. "I can never tell what's going to happen next with you" he laughs and I nod moving my hand to cover up the mark with his shirt.

"At your job do you get paid to spend the night with people?" I ask receiving a nod. "I'll make sure to change that on my sheet. So that I can only be used on dates, no sex" he assures me and I nod not feeling any better.

"You know how I have to prove that I won't leave you- you also can't leave me" I give him a stare and he nods. "I know" he assures me. I get off of his lap and go over to the bar just grabbing a bottled water. "Want something?" I ask and he looks up to think. "Water?" he answers and I grab another water.

Handing it to him he keeps my hand intertwining it with his. "Is this going to work? Sooner or later they are going to find out where I work and they won't believe we are actually dating. Not to mention you're a huge star you aren't going to have time for me" he starts rambling and I squeeze his hand.

"Damien you tell me right now if I'm wasting my time falling for you. If you aren't going to love me back then I'm going to stop letting myself be happy with you" I stand taking my hand from his.

"Zach-" I don't let him continue. "Tell me right now. Do you have any feelings for me at all I'm not asking you to leave your job because it's whatever, mines just as bad- if we're serious about each other we can talk about that later but for now, just tell me... do you like me?" I plead with him, to be honest.

He fumbled with his hands and I groan. "You're being so bipolar! One day you're cuddling me and telling me how much you like me and the next you can't even spit out a simple yes. Do you see how upset I'm getting over this! This should be proof I'm never going to leave you- I've convinced myself you aren't going to use me, so don't lead me on" I continue to rant and he stands taking my hands in his.

"Our lives are about to go through a whole bunch of crap" he chuckles putting his forehead against mine. "Zachary, I like you a lot, and I think I might love you, but I'm not going to say that just yet" he whispers kissing my forehead.

"I'm scared for the future, I'm sensitive, I'm scary looking but I don't know how good at protecting you I'm going to be. I'm scared I might accidentally hurt you" he whispers and I shake my head.

"Knowing my idiotic self I'd still come back multiple times- you wouldn't do that anyways I'm not going back to how I was then, pathetic," I explain and he shakes his head. "Stop you were never pathetic, a little hurt but not pathetic" he whispers rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"If I ever hurt you- you have to leave me do not come back," he tells me and I shake my head. "You're not going to hurt me, so it's fine" I continue before he just hugs me. I hug him just as tight and the both of us just rock back and forth for a bit.

"I don't care how hard it's going to get, it will be worth it in the end"

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