Chapter 35

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"It's too early" I grumble walking into the studio. I'm immediately met with the cast and other people whispering between each other. There were lots of awkward glances towards me and I bit my cheek going to find Jadyn.

I hurry through a few sets as a shortcut before finding him. "Hey, how are you taking it all?" He asks putting a hand on my shoulder. "What?"
I ask still smiling and cheerful.

"Oh never mind then, if you don't know I'm not telling you anything" he mumbles fixing the prop glasses on his face. Mylo comes running over out of breath. "I'm sorry Zach I'm trying to fix this as fast as possible. I'll have them shut up in no time- there will be no more talk about the-" Jadyn slaps a hand over his mouth shutting him up.

"He doesn't know yet, so fix it without telling him" he grumbles through his teeth and I give them a confused look. "Guys I'm right here" I huff and both run away in less than a second. "Stay put don't listen to anyone!" Jadyn shouts but I ignore it. I was happier watching them run off together holding hands.

I turned away from where I was and made my way over to check out today's set. "There's Z now! I can't believe he actually agreed to it" I look over to the extras confused and they quickly whip away. Today was so confusing already.

It didn't stop there though. "He's actually letting it happen- like they are going to record it and everything. At least Valerie is getting some. Do you think they will let us watch" someone jokes with another getting elbowed and called gross?

I give up trying to guess what they are talking about and walk up to find the crew members. "What's going on? What did I agree to?" I ask still keeping the smile on my face. "Oh- Mylo told me not to tell you" she whispers scratching her arm and I sigh.

"Pleaseeee! I won't tell Mylo it was you" I beg, putting my hands together in a praying position. "Wow, the Zachary Tatton begging me for something this just feels wrong" she laughs but nods.

"Just promise you won't tell Mylo" she looks me over and I nod viciously. Hyper from all of the sudden drama. "Apparently the directors has been telling everyone you agreed to the sex scene, Mylo is trying to reverse the damage though. The certain pornographic scene is the next one to be filmed after this one, so he's in a rush and lots of people aren't sure what to believe" she continues to explain but my ear block it out as they're suddenly filled with ringing.

"Mr. Tatton are you okay? Can I get you water? Do you need to sit down?" She asks coming closer and fanning me lightly with her board. "Yes I'm fine, sorry, just feel a little sick" I chuckle. She nods with a worried expression.

"You look a little pale," she tells me and I nod. "I'm going to go to the bathroom- you didn't need to know that" I laugh at myself and she nods smiling. "Got it!" The nice women gives me a thumbs up and I start to walk backward before hurrying to the nearest one-person restroom.

I slam the door louder than I meant and locked it. "No. No. No. No. No!" I repeat the word over and over again putting my hands over my mouth. "She said the director was telling people! They all think I'm actually consenting to it, then I'll be forced to do it" I pace back and forth breathing rapidly.

"I can't- I can't do it. No. Please don't make me" I force the cry back down my throat a pang in my heart just forcing it back up. The tears leave my eyes as much as I was trying not to cry over some past trauma I couldn't it was actually painful.

My throat, my chest, and my eyes were all stinging.  I started to cry and collapsed to the floor, my legs giving out on me. "Stop- stop. It's fine. It's going to work out you can do it- breathe" I remind myself desperately sucking in a breath just to choke on my own tears.

I cry through it hyperventilating. Fumbling into my pockets I grab my phone opening it. I go to the most recent contact and call him. He takes his damn time as I break down in the bathroom sliding against a cool wall trying to calm myself.

I break down into another sob breathing harshly. They were short and small breaths that came rarely even though I was desperately trying to suck in air.

I bring the phone to my ear and put my other hand over my mouth quieting myself. Little hiccups escaping here and there. "Sorry Darling, I'm at work- I really can't talk right now, can I call you back once I go on break. I just don't know if they'll call me up for a date or not" he explains and I nod like the idiot I am.

"Y-yeah. Okay... call me- when you can" I choke out before hanging up. I felt silly being a big grown-ass man sobbing to myself in a bathroom.

My phone starts vibrating and I pick it up looking at the contact. I smile seeing Teddy Bear it immediately goes away as I gasp for air again coughing as I answered the phone. "Are you okay?" I ask holding back my cries.

"Zach don't even start- tell me what's going on!" He whispers into his phone and I burst into a sob quickly trying to quiet it again. Choking on more tears and saliva. "It's okay darling, breath. Just cry it out. I need you to cry for me" he continues to whisper and I nod no longer trying to hold it in.

I crumple over into a pile and continue to cry all the tears I had. "Good now breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, slowly" he continues and I let out a meek "ok" I take in a nose breath, exhaling out of my mouth as he said. "One" he counts for me and I get to four, my chest becoming lighter and the air coming in easier.

"Good job Darling, do I need to come and get you?" He asks and I wipe my tears. "No" I give him a wimpy answer. "Can you tell me what got you so worked up?" He asks while I furiously try to stop the tears that refuse to stop.

"The next scene is the sex scene, and- and the director has been telling everyone that I agreed to it. I didn't though, they're going to make me do it. I'm going to get forced into it again. I can't do it" I break down imagining it all again as he listens

I bring the phone to my chest and sit up laying my head against the wall. "Why me, I can't do it- I can't do it again" I cry out and he starts saying things so I bring the phone to my ear again.

"Tell him I don't give a crap! I'm leaving early today whether he likes it or not. Just tell him to deduct my pay for today he can have tomorrow's too" he shouts to someone and I sigh my face furrowing into one of guilt.

"I'm coming Darling, you stay where you are. Once I get in the car you're going to be on speaker and we're going to talk the whole time" he assures me and I shake my head. "You're going to get in trouble. Please don't" I choke out.

"Shhh don't worry about me. Is Rajah at home?" He asks and I bite my lip. "Yeah" I answer simply. "Mmm okay- and are you in costume?" He continued asking random questioning I think to distract me and it seemed to be working because besides a few random hiccups I was breathing easier.

"No, not yet" I reply. "After your filming, we can go try a new smoothie flavor and then go watch Aladdin, okay?" He tells me and I nod. "You'll watch it again?" I say full of hope and he chuckles.

"We can watch it two times- we can watch all of the Aladdin movies!" He tells me and I nod. "I love you," I tell him and I could almost hear his smile. "I love you too, my handsome boyfriend" he compliments me and I wipe away the tears staining my cheeks.

"You deserve lots of kisses, lots of them. Neck kisses, chin kisses- all of them" he adds, and I chuckle standing up. "Do you promise?" I laugh and he laughs back. "Pinky promise" he whispers the phone moving around again. Being turned off speaker.

"Now tell me what bathroom you are in"

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