Chapter 25

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"I swear that girl had the strongest grip in the world" he groans resting his head back on my couch. I nod rolling his wrist around. "Is this helping at all?" I ask, getting a thumbs up from his other hand.

I kiss it gently before going back to rolling it. "I don't know what her deal was, but she was constantly grabbing my wrist and dragging me around. It's my job to just deal with it all, so I couldn't say anything" he continued to rant while Rajah climbs onto his lap, curling up into a ball.

"I'm sorry, you had to go through that today" I whisper and he opens his eyes looking over at me. "It's fine because, at the end of it, I got to spend time with you" he hums sitting up.

I lean forward and smile. "I'm pretty awesome, aren't I?" I say and he chuckles. "I guess" he sighs before falling onto me. I go onto my back letting him lay over my chest. Rubbing my hand over his shoulder blade.

Rajah migrated onto Damien's back stretching out his legs before getting comfortable. One little happy family. I closed my eyes and play with his hair as he hums to himself enjoying the feeling.

A sudden knock on the door caused Rajah to jump up and on my face before making a final leap to the floor where he sprints over to the door. "Really Rajah?!" I shout blinking rapidly.

Damien sits up and I could see the hint of annoyance on his face. "Give me one-second" I whisper kissing his cheek. He stands and follows me anyways standing behind me as I opened the door slightly. Only for it to swing open as my parents walked in.

Damien catches on and wraps his arms around me as dad closes the door calmly and then turns to pet Rajah. "Hello, mother?" I make it more like a question.

"Oh hello, dear- Damien your home as well!" She cheers running over to hug us both. "Look, Tony! Damien is here too!" She cheers and he nods picking Rajah up. "He has his favorite child now- he doesn't care Mum" I laugh and she looks over to her husband with a huff.

"Hello Nancy" Damien smiles and she gives him a separate hug. "Hello, my sweet little Angel" she coos reaching up to pinch his cheeks. "What a nice surprise... again. Are you here for something?" I ask moving her hands from his cheeks.

I rub my thumbs over his cheeks giving him a look. "Darling it's fine" he explains and I nod kissing one side. "Tell me if they become too much" I whisper and he nods before turning me around.

"I wanted to visit. Your father has some meetings a few cities over tomorrow, so I thought why not" she shrugs pulling her shoes off. "Okay- are you guys hungry then, or do you just want to sleep?" I ask and that's when Dad joins the discussion.

"Food, I like food" he hums and mom swats him. "Well you deserve to starve" she scoffs, mad that he wouldn't to join the conversation till now.  "Well, I'll go make you guys something. I was just about to make dinner anyways" I start for the kitchen.

"Why such a late dinner? Are you eating baby?" She asks pouting and I nod. "Yes mother, I was just waiting for Damien to get home. We were going to make dinner together" I groan and she claps.

"Tony they are so cute! We should make dinner together sometime!" Mum shouts as dad looks up from the couch moving Rajah's paws around like a baby. "We have a personal chef dear," he tells her and she rolls her eyes.

"We will wait out there then. Have fun, my babies!" She cheers walking towards the hall with the guest room probably to change.

I take Damien into the kitchen with me before looking in the fridge. "I've got chicken. There are noodles in the cabinet. Chicken Alfredo?" I ask and he nods going into the cabinet to grab them.

I move the chicken closer to the oven. Before going to wash my hands. Hugging Damien, I purse my lips wanting a kiss. "So spending the night?" I ask and he nods giving me another peck.

"What do you mean? I live here" he winks and I smile nodding. Leaving him, I go to the oven grabbing the chicken again. I bring it over to the counter, and Damien takes my spot getting the noodles ready as I season the chicken.

"I'm sure he wouldn't miss him" dad whispers and I lean over the counter to listen to their conversation. "We are not taking his cat" Mom hissed and I rolled my eyes.

"Good thing I don't need your permission-" I cut my dad off. "You are not stealing my cat!" I yell and he quickly shuts up. "We can get you a cat if you want one" mom assured him but he refuses. "It's not the same, Rajah is the best" he mutters and I go back to cooking.

It took us about forty-five minutes because I kept getting distracted. I couldn't believe how good the man was at cooking. I put some servings together and bring them to my parents who happily thank me.

I go back to Damien and remember suddenly. "Your wrist? Did this hurt your wrist at all?" I ask grabbing it. "Darling it's fine. It wasn't hurting that much. It's just a little sore" he assures me and I nod grabbing his plate and mine.

"I can carry a plate" he reminds me and I shake my head. "Count on me teddy bear" I cheer, leading him into the dining room. He groans and sits across from my dad. I give him his food and set my stuff next to his giving him our forks as well.

Making a second trip back to grab our napkins as well. Handing those to my parents and my boyfriend. "I'm surprised you don't have Rajah" I joke with dad and he stops mid-chew.

"Yeah..." he mumbles his mouth full of food. "Oh shut up, the cat is in his lap" mom sighs digging into her food. As if he knew we were talking about him, the cat popped his head up and dad quickly hid him again.

"The food is very good," mother tells me and I nod. "Damien did most of it, he's a good cook" I hum, and his hand moves to my knee. "Well it's very good, the both of you" she looks to Damien as well this time.

"Thank you Nancy" he smiles taking a bite of the chicken. "So how long are you staying?" I ask and mom looks to dad not really knowing. He looks up from the food and runs his hand through his hair. "Uh... three days" he counts in his head and I nod.

"Are you taking any night shifts" I look over to Damien trying to get him a way out of spending three nights with me? "Nope, not that I know of, yet" he rubs his thumb over my leg and I smile.

"That's great, we should do something together?" Mom asked and I nod. "If that's not too much. I know I should probably stop just coming uninvited, and don't get mad at your father when I do this because I force him" she explains.

I quickly reach across and grab her arm. "Mother I love you. I don't mind, I really don't. You give me a lot more support than most parents do" I tell her and she nods before going back to her food. "Thank you" she smiles and dad gives me a smile knowing I didn't make my mother have a complete breakdown.

We continued eating having random conversations as Dad attempted to buy my cat off of me. I quickly put the dishes away as my mother kisses my head exhausted from her busy day of traveling. "Goodnight mom, tell me if you need anything" I kiss her back and she smiles walking off.

"I'm taking Rajah with me! Goodnight!" Dad shouts and I roll my eyes wiping off my hands. Damien comes over kissing my forehead. "You don't have to stay the whole time, I don't want to force that onto you" I mumble and he shakes his head.

"Darling why wouldn't I want to spend time with you, plus I've got to work so I wouldn't be here the whole time" he laughs and I nod playing with the bottom of his shirt.

I fumble my way underneath the material and rub my hands up his chest. He smiles and lets his head fall back. "Darling I've got work tomorrow, early" he groans and I move closer kissing his jaw.

"I think you should just not go into work tomorrow" I mumble and he smiles bringing his head back to kiss me.

"Sorry Darling, you will get cuddles and that's all"

"I'll pay you"

"Zach- no"

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