Chapter 4

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The next day, morning. Xyla woke up and got ready for her job. She went to the hall and settled on her chair.
"Faster Lincoln, I am hungry."
"Yeah. Wait, I am making your breakfast."
"Okay. But tell me one thing. That do you believe the guy from last night?"
He looked at her. "Actually yes, because he was right that why would he do such a mistake to leave a clue."
"He also gave me his Correct number. If he was wrong so why did he gave me his Correct number."
"Yeah, but."
"Here have your breakfast and then leave for your work."
"Okay. Lincoln" she picked her plate and started to eat the food. After having the food she she lefted for her work and Lincoln went for his. As she reached the cafe she started to work and miles came to her.
"Xyla, I want to tell you something."
"Speak I am listening."
"I want you to look also." She stopped her work and looked at him.
"What is it?"
"I been wanting to tell you this for a long time." He stopped and took a deep breath, she was staring him.
"Xyla, I love you. Will you accept my proposal and marry me!"
She was confused to hear that in the beginning and then she started to laugh.
"Are you joking right now." She said and looked him but he was standing very seriously.
"Do you take this as joke. Xyla, I love you! Why don't you just say yes to me?" Miles asked her it in cafe.
"You're just a friend and this thing I have told you a thousand time." Xyla answered.
"See they say that you get an opportunity only once in your lifetime please think again. You can take your time. Okay! I got it. Tell me did your brother got any clue about the person died."
She saw him in shock. "Why did you asked that."
"Just asking! It's not a big deal right."
"I don't know? What he's up to."
"Who is the owner here."A customer was here  "Go get his order!" Xyla demanded.
"Yes sir!" he said and went to the customer "Can I have your please order?" Miles asked
"I want to meet the owner."
"Sorry sir! But why?"
"Just call the owner didn't you get that."
"Sir please behave yourself."
"Mister! When have I misbehaved with you. Just call the owner."
"Yes! Wait." Miles went to Xyla.
"Xyla! A person is asking for you." Miles told
"Why is he asking for me." Xyla asked
"How could I know about it. He isn't saying anything just saying that he wants to meet the owner."
"Ohh! I got it."
She walked towards the counter. She was amazed, to see the man from earlier night.
"Excuse me mister! Why are looking for me." Xyla requested information.
"Oh sorry! My name is Ruth, not mister. Can you come outside." Ruth responsed.
"Okay!." They both walked outside. Ruth was sitting on his bike. Xyla  watched him. Watched his bike. It was cool.
"So why did you called me." Xyla questioned.
He took out a roses bouquet. Then stood straight and his eyes contacted with hers.
As eye contact is the most dangerous thing in love, and it make our soul mix with our heartbeat. But she turned her eyes away.
"What is it tell me fast." Xyla again questioned.
"Have you ever heard of love at first sight?" Ruth asked.
"Just come to the point."
"Okay so the point is, I have fallen for you. Accept my bouquet and Marry me."
"Are you sick? Or have you gone crazy. Who asks this question."
"Everyone does."
"No! This is not the point the point is that, I have never met you..."
"We have met yesterday! And as I told you didn't you got that. Love at first sight with you."
"Are you crazy man!" Miles interrogated.
"Now who is this joker." Ruth asked irritatedly.
"He is my employ." Xyla told.
"Just a employ! Wasn't I your friend?" Miles roasted.
"Hey you, stop it. Let me complete. Hey you, no I mean Xyla...."
"How did you got my name?" Xyla asked.
"I am more than you think. And I know more than you can expect. So I will call you. Wait for it."
He gave the bouquet to Xyla and kissed her cheeks and Xyla was shocked. Than he seated on his bike and roared away. She was in the middle of the street standing with miles.
"So just an employ. Wasn't I also hitting on you?" Miles asked angrily. She was confused what to say and do.
"Just shut up. I am busy let me focus on my work. He is a sick person." Xyla replied. And again walked inside her cafe.
"Yeah now he will be sick. Ohh damn! Shit....."
"Are you gonna come or not."
"Yeah I am coming."

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