Chapter 16

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"Why did you punched me." Miles shouted.
"Tell me what did you gave me last night. What the hell was that drink." Lincoln questioned.
Clair was In the state of perturbation.
"What the hell are you saying."
"In short word,You drugged me."
"Are you out of your mind."
"No I am not. But soon you will be." Lincoln said and holded miles and punched him again.
"This time I am not going to sit quietly and let you hit me."
Miles stood and smashed Lincoln to the floor. They both stood and were hitting eachother.
"Stop it. Guys stop it." Clair shouted.
She came in between them and was pushing them apart. But miles strikeed her also and she was knocked on the floor. Her arm hitted the sofa and she stared miles and tears formed in her eyes. But Lincoln noticed her and moved forward and miles pushed him. He also was knocked on the floor.
"Stop it miles." Lincoln said.
He stood and went near to Clair. She was on floor and Lincoln holded her.
"Are you alright."
Tears began to flow down her cheeks. "I am not okay." She replied. Miles also viewed that Clair was crying now he felt bad about Pushing her, he stood quietly. Lincoln came forward and the distance between them was so little that if she turned her face than her lips might touch Lincoln's. But she didn't turned and Lincoln hugged her tightly.
"Don't cry." He said.
She pulled herself back and stood angrily.
"You tell me that did you spiked his drink."
Clair questioned miles.
"No I didn't."
"See he said that he didn't drugged you. So you should believe him. Secondly if he did not mixed anything in your drink that means the killer was present in the shop from where he bought that drink because he knew it was for you."
"Yeah right." Lincoln thought. "From where did you bought that drink."
"It was from the place near your office. I don't remember the name."
"Okay. I am sorry Miles."
"No problem. But I am also sorry about hitting you. I am also sorry to the girl for pushing you."
"I don't want your sorry. Keep it to your self."
She replied. "Lincoln, I am waiting in the car for you. Don't be late." She said and went back towards the car.
"Who is she lincoln."
"A friend."
"Really just a friend."
"Yeah just a friend."
"Okay dude. Bye but still I didn't drugged you."
"It was my mistake. Bye" he said and lefted towards the car. He came to the car and settled himself. He looked towards Clair.
"Show me your arm."
She looked at him and turned her face away. She didn't wanted Lincoln's sympathy.
"You are kid of beating, because you don't understand nice language."
He said and holded her arm tightly.
"Leave me." She said angrily.
"Shut up." He shouted at her. "Let me look."
She was so shocked that she didn't moved her arm. He started to look at her arm and it was bleeding heavily. He opened his car's dashboard and took out the bandages to dress her wound.
"Why are you staring at me like this."
"You are evil."
"Thank you."
"You are brutal, cruel."
"You know what that's the reason why nobody loves you and really you don't deserve to be loved." As she said this a silence interrupted there talk.
He looked up at her and leaved her arm. She looked back at him.
"Thank you for making me realize that i can't be loved."
He turned his face and started the car.
(Was I too harsh with him.) Clair thought.

(Where is Lincoln did he found where miles was. He isn't even answering the call.) Xyla was thinking and her phone ringed.
She picked the call.
"Xyla. Can you come to my House."
"I need to talk to you urgently."
"Talk to me. I am on line."
"I am sending you the location and I am waiting for you." He said hang up the call.
"Is he crazy. Why would I go to him now. It's almost 6. But what if it's important. Okay I will go."
She checked the location. She closed her cafe and called the taxi. She went towards Ruth's house. Finally after a while, she arrived at Ruth's house. She was shocked to see how enormous Ruth's house was or it was like a palace. She entered the house and she realised it was empty, no employee, no cook only the security and he was sitting in the hall.
"Finally, you came Xyla." He turned around and his eyes met with her's.
"Now tell me why did you called me here."
He stood and started to walk slowly towards her. She was paralyzed on to one place. He came forward and bended his neck till her ears and said "Let's talk inside. You're looking hell pretty." He stopped and picked her up. She was in his arms and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She smelled his masculine smell and was being lost in his eyes. He started to walk slowly, so she asked
"Is this your house?"
"Yes. It's beautiful just like you."
A simple sweet silence was there. He came to his room. There he settled himself on to the sofa and she was on his lap.
"Why did you called me here."
"Can you be quiet for a few minutes please." He said and landed his head into Xyla shoulder. She remained silent for a long period of time. She layed her hand on Ruth's cheek.
"Are you sad?" She said.
"Yes, I am very sad."
"Why are you sad?"
"Because you are not on my side."
"Who said this."
"Do you love me Xyla."
She picked her hand up and tried to stood up.
"Why are you standing. What happened."
"Leave me." She stood up. "I want to go home."
She turned around and was about to move but at that time Ruth pulled her back. She was close to Ruth and he wanted to kiss her deeply. It was his desire at that time.
"I hate you. Ruth for what you're doing now."
They were so close and Ruth was able to feel Xyla's breath and she was panicked.
"Xyla! I want you to feel me, love me and expect every single thing from me."
"Love isn't about beauty. You don't know that every beautiful face was once ugly."
"Why are you saying like this."
"You will never except me, after hearing the truth about me."
"You're my world but you can't understand this."
"Would you love me the same if I was ugly? Not so beautiful like I am today."
"I would have still loved you the same."
"Prove this I will accept proposal when you will prove."
"How should I prove?"
"Leave me. I will hurt you very badly."
"Xyla how will a person live without heart."
"It's just a matter of choice, just choose someone else."
"You think my love is cheap. Are you saying I should choose someone else. Would you be able to accept this reality."
"Everyone does."
"Just answer this question, why are you a bad choice for me."
"I can't." She said and pushed him and moved away from him. But Ruth pulled her back, and laid her into his bed.
"I am a man, I can do anything."
She looked at him.
"You're not like this."
"But I can be bad. If you force me."
"Kiss me. Feel me. If that's what you."
"No. Not now. But I will definitely when you are willing." He replied and stood. " Come I will drop you to your house."
"I can go by myself."
"It's already late. So I will drop you."

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