Chapter 10

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"What do you want to do now. Do you want to go home or do you want to stay with me tonight." Ruth asked.
"I would like to stay." Xyla said.
"So I will take you to a place " and Ruth holded her hand in the slightest bit. He took her to the back of mountain which was far away from her city. When they arrived, it was so beautiful. A waterfall could be seen and greenery everywhere. As beautiful for a quiet place where you would calm down. As Xyla also loved the place and forgoted all her grief for a few times. She smiled.
"You know 'A smile is the most beautiful curve on the women's body' believe me you are looking hell beautiful." Ruth complimented.
She slowly moved her face and tried to contact it with Ruth's. Exactly this happened there her eyes meeted with his eyes. Her eyes were beautiful. But behind every beautiful eyes lies secrets deeper and more darker than the mysterious room.
"My mom died." Xyla said.
"I am so sorry." Ruth replied.
"Why are apologizing. Don't be sorry. She died when I was 10. Before that she was alone. My dad lefted her for another women. But it's fine."
Ruth came forward and hugged her very lightly.
"You are so brave."Ruth said.
A phone rings at that time. It was Xyla's
"Where the hell have you been." Lincoln was on the call.
"I am with a friend. I will not be home today. Bye." And she hung up.
"Hello! hey. She hung up. I don't know what's up on her mind." Lincoln said.
A silence interrupted between them. She slept putting her head on Ruth's shoulder. "She is too cute." He slowly move his arms and picked her up and took her to his house.
In the morning, she was sleeping comfortably on his bed. When suddenly she woke up. Where am i. She thought.
"Good morning, Xyla."
"What the fu*k...!"
"Don't shout."
"Okay! So you tell me what should I do."
"Nothing serious. Eat the breakfast then I will drop you to your house."
"I don't want to eat anything. I just want to go home."
"I will drop you. Now stand up, wash your face and eat breakfast."
"What happened."
"Believe me. Nothing happened. I am a man of my words and I don't like to force a girl."
"Okay, I trust you."
She went to dress up. After that they both were having breakfast.
"Xyla. Would you like to have a tour in my small village." Ruth asked.
"But my cafe."
"Nothing will happen if it remains close for a day."
"Okay then."
"Quickly eat your breakfast then we will go."

"Why isn't my sister back yet." Lincoln said but there was noone to hear this.
"I will call."
"Hello" Xyla said.
"Why aren't you back yet." Lincoln asked.
"I will come at night. Bye."
"Hey.. Again she hunged up the call. I really don't know what's up to her mind."
"I think Henry and sanjit were friends. So there was a enemy of them. Means the next target would definitely be the 3 friend of them. I need to find who is that guy."
He ran outside of his house and went to sanjit's house.

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